Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Zombies in Mexico

You know what really sucks about my game freezing. I had to it all again. I had to get the uniform again and ride the train again. I am so grateful for autosave though. If this was the only mission I had to redo then you won’t hear me complaining too much. It had been a while since I had saved normally.

So I re-did the train mission and this time I successfully made it into Mexico. There’s not a lot to do here it seems. Sure there are towns to save but that’s the easy part. I went to do a Stranger mission and found Mr. Landon Ricketts. I’m not horribly surprised that he’s still alive; I just felt that he was badly used at this point. In the main game he just kinda vanished. It’s only a little better here. He rambles on about how bad things are and how he’s never seen anything like it in his life, all in that calm demeanor of his. Then he asks John to bring him something that will attract the undead and some dynamite. Well that would be Mr. West Dickens’ tonic and some… dynamite, I already have both, but apparently I’m contractually obligated to wait a few hours. So I freed some towns.

When I get back Mr. Ricketts puts the dynamite in the bottle of tonic and calls it good. But he does this like its some big to-do. He has to be all careful and scientific-like. I don’t see why he can’t just shove the dynamite in the bottle and call it good. This is just sad. And that’s the only reason he showed up, to give John Marston a bottle of tonic with dynamite shoved in it. You don’t get to kill zombies together or rescue some poor innocent soul. The greatest gunman in legend snows up just to stick dynamite in some snake oil. Very. Lame.

I decided after that to go do the main story mission. These missions deal with the Mother Superior of a nearby abbey. This lady is pretty cool overall and I really like her. She has a good head on her shoulders for a nun. She’s also the only new mission giver in the entire game. Well, there was that girl back at the beginning of the game, the one who had John burn her uncle Mordecai, but I don’t count her.

The Mother Superior missions are simple enough; free the abbey, then bring her a zombie to test on, and burn a graveyard (I got to kill De Santa again! Nice!). The zombie was hard to bring back, I kept getting attacked by wolves and that made it hard to get him on my horse. She eventually determines that the zombification is a disease of the soul. John gets holy water, another throwable item that I will never use.

The Mother Superior eventually points John to one Abraham Reyes as a potential cause of all of these problems. I decide to liberate all of the remaining towns first. I get the trophy Spinning Plates for my effort. Yea…?

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