Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - Gun-Slinging Rebellion

If Mexico left a weird first impression, then things have only gotten worse since I’ve been here. Mexico is very big with more of the same to do. It would have been nice if Mexico at least had one new activity, oh wait, it does, Arm Wrestling. There’s also a lot of travel time involved in Mexico. None of your contacts are close together; it feels like they actually put effort in to being as far apart as possible.

And what is with the wolves out here? They are far worse than the coyotes of New Austin. Heck, one of the first things I did was continue the Stranger mission I Know You. Creepy guy involved in that mission. Well this guy is surrounded by wolves. I would kill 5 of them and start skinning when suddenly I was attacked by 5 more wolves. I never had time to finish skinning. I eventually got frustrated and left the area. Then I convinced someone not to leave their wife or something. I don’t know, the whole I Know You string is just odd.

Now I also encountered the Stranger mission Daedalus and Son. There’s this guy who wants to try to fly a plane. But he needs more glue and Mr. Marston is so intrigued to see this guy crash that he agrees to get the ingredients for the glue. He needs flowers, feathers, and beaver hides. Stupid thing is I can’t get to the beaver hides yet. They’re locked in the third area of the game. A little bit of a spoiler and you have to ignore that mission until later.

Lots of property is available in Mexico, more than in the United States I believe. It’s nice to know that there’s always a place nearby to save at.

Mexico also has its own fair share of idiots that will give you missions. I’ve started getting bored with sidequest stuff so I’ve started plowing through mission chains until they’re completed. I started with one Landen Ricketts. Mr. Ricketts is a retired gunslinger from the United States. Overall I like the guy, but why did he have to insult my gunsling-ing skills? I made it through New Austin just find and my first day in Mexico some guy tells me I suck at shooting people. Plus he got mad that I shot people who were harassing me.

The main purpose of Mr. Ricketts is to introduce me to Luisa, another mission giver. But I decided to deal with one DeSanta instead. There appears to be a war brewing in Mexico. The people are on the verge of rebellion against their corrupt government. Not exactly an original storyline but it’s an excuse to keep things going. Naturally Marston doesn’t care about the rebellion, he just wants to find Williamson and Esquilla.

DeSanta is a Captain in the Mexican army and he wants the rebel forces put down. He’s also whipping post. The guy doesn’t know how to think for himself. He blames all of his problems on other people and every wrong thing he does is only because someone else told him to. I knew that I would eventually see him dead. DeSanta keeps telling Marston that he will help him find Williamson and Esquilla, but it’s pretty obvious to me that he’s lying. He keeps sending me out on missions to stop rebels. These are some brutal missions, especially when Marston had to burn down some homes.  It’s inventive and it’s nice to see that the game doesn’t hold back on this sort of thing.  After killing the men the Mexican soldiers capture all of the women and take them back to their leader where it’s pretty obvious that these women are raped repeatedly. That’s not so pleasant and you can see that it bothers Marston. But he’s trying to stay focused and get back to his family. That’s his goal. That is his entire purpose. He really wishes he could stop getting mixed up in other people’s problems.

I’ll cover Luisa and the rest next time.

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