Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Putting Down The Dead

This is the end. The end of Undead Nightmare, the end of Red Dead Redemption. Except for the fact that I do actually enjoy playing this game online with some buddies. I might post about that once and awhile. There will also be the final thoughts post that I like to do.

I believe I’ve mentioned that I really love my horse right? War is a better horse then Bucky, but that’s not fair to compare Bucky to a mythical creature. On my way to Reyes I encountered another mythical creature. This time is was Famine, another horse of the Apocalypse. I did tame Famine, but I instantly got off him and immediately grabbed War again. I rode all the way back to town just to hitch up War and make him my special mount. I would rather ride a horse that is on fire then one that is surrounded by flies. War also burns zombies, that’s a major plus.

I finally made it to Reyes and much to my expectations the guy had been turned into a zombie. I don’t get the choice to hogtie him, I have to kill him. I happily blew off his head with the butt of my rifle. Reyes had this coming for a looooooooooong time now. The guy was shallow and a glory hound. If you read the paper while playing as Jack in the main game you know that eventually becomes as bad of a tyrant as the man he deposed. He had been chasing some lady around and now that she was safe she decided to reveal the truth to John Marston.

Reyes learned of an ancient mask that would supposedly grant him invincibility, probably immortality too. The mask was coincidently below the very estate where Reyes was staying. Down he went into the tomb and he stole the mask, unleashing a curse that brought the dead back to life. The only way to lift the curse is to put the mask back. Sounds simple enough.

So down goes John Marston into this tomb with this lady in tow. She just has to come along for some strange reason. I wouldn’t mind so much except for the fact that SHE WOULDN’T SHUT UP!!! I so wanted to kill her by the time we reached the end. The entire time yammering on about “can a bad man have a good soul” or “you find yourself at the oddest of times”. Mystical fortune cookie crap that all ends up better in bed.

This is made even worse that John keeps claiming that he knows her from somewhere. I cannot remember running into this lady at all during the entire adventure. She might have been a nun that talked to the Mother Superior, but I don’t remember her.

The final dungeon (the only dungeon?) isn’t all that challenging either. I had so much ammo by this point that I was more than willing to burn through it. Plus, there’s no final boss of any sort. The last room has a few mobs spawn in it in close vicinity and there’s not a ton of room to maneuver, but they were easy enough to put down. I never once felt that I was in danger. Final fights should be full of danger and desperation, that’s what makes them worth the effort. When you overcome that final challenge you feel a sense of accomplishment. That was missing here.

John puts the mask back on the altar and nothing seems to happen. There’s no release of power or anything. The mask just sits there, doing nothing. After the lack of a final battle it’s disappointing, but at the same time it is very suitable to the story. The lady “mysteriously” vanishes (I peronally think she’s hiding behind a pillar) and reveals that her name is (need name), the goddess that Jack mentioned at the beginning of the game. I guess the mask was hers. She tells John to go home.

John does and there is his family still tied up. He releases them, they make a few quips, Jack takes a moment to whine about his dad leaving and the game ends.

Or does it?

A few months later John Marston is dead. But down in Mexico that creepy Seth Briars has snuck into the tomb. He was very happy with the undead and he wants them back. He steals the mask and runs away. It’s at this point that John Marston comes rising out of the grave as a zombie, but as a zombie with a soul. Apparently his family poured holy water on him when they buried him. That was very thoughtful, even if it was an accident.  I’m a little confused if they actually poured it on him or just buried him with it. Either way he’s not a brainless zombie. You also get Death, the final horse of the Apocalypse. I guess I need to find Pestilence, the third horse of the Apocalypse still.

I would think that at this point you can go running around and try to get the mask back from Seth, kind of like when Jack got to take out Agent Ross, but that’s not the case. Seth is nowhere to be found. It’s a bit of a letdown. You can run around and complete the various challenges, but there is no more story.

Final Thoughts are next.

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