Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Viva La Sasquatch!

So I stopped short on the last post, time to catch up a little here. The graveyard where John was sent is really a good training ground for how the game will work. I imagine that you’ll be visiting every graveyard in the game clearing them out of zombies. I had to make ample use of the Torch which requires hit and run tactics. You can’t just stand there and whack zombies with it. That tactic will get you killed very quickly.

Remember Uncle Mordecai? He shows up. This just cements the humor of the game. The girl earlier mentioned that her Uncle Mordecai deserved to pay and here he is. Big sucker too. This is when you pull out your gun. Knowing when to use it appears to be the key to victory around here. Once the cemetery is cleared you get to go clear the town.

This looks to be another major part of the game, clearing zombies from towns. There are always survivors in a town and they need to be saved. You have to be cautious saving them because if you hurt them they will turn on you, like I learned the hard way. Survivors always ask for bullets, that most precious and rare commodity. I don’t know what you get for giving them bullets, but I always do. Once you clear a town you can save there and you can travel to other towns. This has already proven useful.

Once Blackwater was saved John talked to the survivors trying to get answers. Some people mentioned the glass eye Seth found was the problem. Others blame West Dickens, the snake oil salesman. So John is given his objectives, find Seth and West Dickens and see what he can learn. It was at this point I checked the map. There were more towns to be saved, two mission destinations, and two Stranger missions… Stranger missions? In the middle of a zombie rampage? Really?

I went to the nearest Stranger mission first and I got the joy of hunting Sasquatch. Where the hell is this game going? Zombies? Sasquatch? What else can they pull out?! This game really is pulling out all of the stops and having a fun time doing it. Well those baby-eating Sasquatches deserved to die. I think I caused the genocide of the entire species.

I spent the rest of the time liberating towns. I learned the use of saving a town too. This is where you get new weapons. You save a town, you get ammo or guns. It’s a nice little trade off. The down side to saving a town is that eventually it will fall under attack again and the only person who can save it is John Marstson.

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