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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Final Thoughts

Undead Nightmare is exactly what DLC should be, a worthwhile addition. It’s not an extra map for multiplayer. It’s not a new horse or weapon. I didn’t get a new costume or anything like that. I got extra story and gameplay that has a good 10 – 20 hours of game time. This is well worth the money. Plus you can use it with multiplayer so it’s a really good plus.

The storyline is fun and it pokes fun at itself. It’s a little self-aware but that really works in the games favor. I like hearing John’s comments as he runs around, especially about how killing he friends made more sense than this. It really is a good time to be had.

Slipping in the mythical creatures was very worthwhile. Sure I can ride a regular undead horse but why bother when you could ride a horse that sets zombies on fire or blows up their heads? This is great stuff.

I did have an issue with the game freezing, or my Blunderbuss becoming useless shortly after getting it. These were the worst bugs in the game, but these are fairly serious issues. I found corpses harder to loot. Apparently I had to stand in the correct spot (seemed to be by the feet) to loot.

But the replay value trumped all of that in the end. I would still highly recommend this DLC to anyone. In an online world where companies are charging you to unlock content that is already on the disc (I’m looking at you Capcom and Activision) Rockstar really knocks out a homerun with this one. I’d gladly buy more DLC if they were of this quality.

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