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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - The Animals ARE Out To Get Me.

I mentioned that the bank mission with Agent Ross was “potentially” the second mission you do in Blackwater. At the end of the first mission I mentioned that you were introduced to Harold McDougal, an anthropologist who was kicked out of Yale. McDougal then becomes a mission giver and he could be the second mission you take in Blackwater. I highly recommend doing Agent Ross’ first because the story then flows a little better.

The Native American from the first mission comes back for McDougal’s first mission. Nastas is his name and he leaves a good first impression, unlike McDougal who is completely stoned on a regular basis and sings the praises of the benefits of cocaine. Not a guy I would like to spend a lot of time around.

Nastas arrives at McDougal’s place to show Marston where Dutch is hiding. This sounds dangerous and for some odd reason McDougal tags along. A long horse ride later we make it to our destination. There’s a lot of talk about how the white man is destroying nature and such. It’s pretty common stereotypical speak coming from a Native American character. I don’t believe him that the bear we killed on our way to the destination would have left us alone. I’ve already been mauled by a grizzly and yes, it was unprovoked.

Once we reach our destination McDougal leaves because he feels this is too dangerous. I guess he just came for the conversation, the moron. Nastas and Marston make their way through a series of caves until some crazy guy attacks and injures Nastas. It was a pretty boring mission until then at least now I get to kill something.

Marston goes alone from here on out, scaling a pretty impressive cliffside. This area really reminds me of Montana, lots of mountainous terrain. It’s nice to have a change of scenery. New Austin and Mexico weren’t that different from each other. Blackwater area is standing out pretty well.

On my way up the cliff I encounter a bear. Here I have more proof that Nastas doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That bear attacked me and once again, he was unprovoked. Thankfully I killed him first, but still, he wanted to eat me. Over the next ledge I was killed by a cougar. Maybe Nastas is a complete moron too. These animals are not running from me just because I enter the area. They want me dead.

There’s one guard at the top of mountain. Take him out quietly and you get to use some binoculars to spy on Dutch’s gang. This is actually why I recommend doing the second Ross mission first. You get to know Dutch in that mission, you truly understand how dangerous he is, and so when Dutch pulled out a gun and shot the binoculars out of Marston’s hands and knocked Marston unconscious with the same shot I wasn’t surprised. I really look forward to my showdown with Dutch. He’s the first bad guy I’ve really wanted to fight in the entire game.

I’m still trying to figure out how an injured Native American got Marston back down the mountain unconscious. Maybe he used a grizzly…

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