Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Townfolk

I was clearing out Coot’s cemetery. I finally figured out exactly how cemetery’s work. You have to burn a set number of coffins and then clear out the cemetery of the remaining undead. I find it easiest to burn all of the coffins first before even engaging the undead. Eventually a “boss zombie” will appear. When the boss appears pay attention to the name on the headstone, there are a lot of throwbacks to the main game. Like when Alice, the old lady who wanted to get married, crawled out of her grave. It brought a smile to my face knowing I got to put her back in the ground. She really should have just gotten on with her life.

Cemetery cleared I moved on to Armadillo. Now I ended up clearing this town of everybody. When I was trying to clear out the zombies one of the survivors was riding around on horseback. Eventually he got trapped and pulled off his horse by the zombie mob. Bad news is I was heading for the same group of zombies on the back of War. War ran over the zombies and the survivor and this counted as injuring the survivor. So now every other survivor in Armadillo was attacking John instead of the zombies. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to kill off the zombies and then the survivors without dying. I swear I kept finding more survivors too and they never stopped shooting at me.

I did a mission for the Marshall in Armadillo. Nice to see he’s still alive, I really liked the guy. He was one of the more grounded, normal people in the game. Firm grasp on reality. Marshall asks John to find his deputies, Eli and Jonah. First stop was the general store where I met the most hate filled man alive, Herbert Moon. This guy hates everyone, Jews, Natives, Catholics, Homosexuals, “Colored Folk” (his words). The list goes on a bit and as John eventually points out he’s never met a Jew, but he’s judged them evil based off some bizarre twisted sense of history.

Now Herbert runs the general store in town and he seemed to be going about his business as usual, which doesn’t make sense in a zombie infested town. He was carrying some crates outside complaining to John that this used to be a decent country until the Jew, Catholic, Homosexuals showed up and ruined it. I must say, John had quite a smug look on his face when the zombies arrived to eat this guy. It was a happy day.

I did eventually find Eli and Jonah, after I killed another two more town survivors who wouldn’t stop shooting at me. I wasn’t all that shocked to learn that they had turned into zombies and were trying to eat each other. So John had to put them down and then go and tell the Marshall the news. Can’t really call it sad news though, those two were idiots.

I took out another graveyard. Good old Peter Turner showed up there. He was the other half of the story for the old lady who wanted to get married. Hopefully they’re together in death now. But I now demand that Jenny show up and get turned into a zombie by her ability to do absolutely nothing to save herself.

Saved a couple more towns. I’m running into these big, burly zombies now that like to rush John and bowl him over. I’ve taken a quick dislike to them. I’m also getting tired of the Torch. It just takes way too long to take out zombies with. I had to go back to Manzanita and re-save that town. I’m just glad that you can still quick travel to a town that has been re-overrun.

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