Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - Jack Be Nimble

You get to play as Jack at this point in the game. Jack's plans should be obvious to anyone paying attention. If for some reason you don't think that Jack is out for revenge then you would be wrong. Jack took his father's death hard and I can only imagine that watching his mother die pushed him the rest of the way.

I took a wild guess to go to Blackwater. That's where Agent Ross had worked so it seemed like a good place to start. Turns out that Jack's revenge is actually a Stranger quest. Appropriate considering how things went down. Jack talks to a Marshall about the whereabouts of Edgar Ross. Ross retired a few years ago and lives on the lake with his wife. It's a long trip so be prepared for it, or you can use your camp.

I gave Jack Bucky since I still had the deed. I considered this to be Bucky Jr: The Son Of Bucky. I'm glad I still had my horse.

So after the long ride to Ross' house Ross' wife inform Jack that Ross has gone hunting down in Mexico with his brother. I think I should have shot her just for kicks, but I left her alive in the end.

It's another long ride down to Mexico. It was made even longer because I stopped and helped some lost woman get to town. Jack's a nice guy that way.

When he finally finds Ross' brother he's told that Ross is down river a ways hunting ducks. Looks like you're off to the next destination. Luckily this one isn't far.

Here you finally find Ross. Jack and Ross toss words back and forth about John Marston. Jack calls Ross a murderer (I agree), Ross says John's lifestyle lead to his death (I also agree, but Ross didn't have to come charging in). So here Jack and Ross have a duel. I really want to know why the game offered me the tutorial for dueling again. After 40ish hours of gameplay I at least have a bare minimum understanding of how to duel. A tutorial at this point is pretty useless.

I want to proudly say that I took Ross down with one try. Stupid government man. Ross' body falls into the river and Jack turns to leave. Roll credits.

Final thoughts will be next time. There were no votes in the poll so I'm going to reopen it for a couple of days see if any of these random visitors wouldn't mind voting. I've already made up my mind on what I'll play next time if there are no votes.

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