Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - No Rest For The Wicked

Oh John Marston, you poor fool. I always knew Red Dead Redemption was a tragedy, but part of me held out hope for you. I was rooting for you to reclaim your life and live happily ever after, but deep down I knew where this was going.

There was one final mission. Marston is talking to his son when Uncle cries for Marston. He sees something on the horizon and it has Uncle scared. The U.S. Army is invading Marston's farm and it looks like they've been given the orders to take no prisoners.

Marston sends his family inside while he and Uncle prepare to defend the farm. Thus begins a long succession of fights. First you just have to take out the soldiers attacking the farm. Then Marston runs inside to check on his family. With more soldiers coming Jack joins the fray and soon it's John, Uncle and Jack taking down the soldiers.

Uncle is the first to fall with a bullet to his chest. After Uncle's dead Marston determines that he needs to get Abigail and Jack out of here. Marston climbs the grain silo to provide cover fire for Abigail and Jack as they run to the barn to saddle up the horses. They took Bucky, it almost brought a tear to my eye. Me and that horse have been through a lot.

With his wife and son safely on their way John peeks out the front door of the barn. There's at least a dozen soldiers, probably closer too 2 dozen soldiers waiting outside. Now I think Marston should have gone out the back and taken them out from the side or something. But John Marston goes for the big finish. He shoves open the barn doors and walks out to meet his firing squad.

You get one chance to use your Dead Eye, use it wisely. Once Marston opens fire the soldiers immediately return fire filling him with lead. John Marston dies. Agent Ross is shown leaving the horrible scene still acting all high and mighty.

Jack and Abigail return to the farm to find John lying dead in front of the barn. They bury him outside the farm. The game suddenly moves forward a three years and a second grave is added, Abigail has gone one to join John. Standing over the graves is a young man you could hardly recognize. Jack has grown up. I have a pretty good idea of what he wants.

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