Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Undead Nightmare - My Horse Matters

You do NOT kill my horse. Ever! Especially not a horse as awesome as War. I love War and many people died because of his death. Fine it was only one person who died, but the jerk deserved it. There are these “doctors” that are in the wilderness. They want John to bring them a “live” zombie. These “doctors” have machine-guns in their camp and they are using them when you first show up. I didn’t know this and poor War ran right in front of the machine-gun. He died. Then I killed the doctor in revenge. Since I love this horse so much though, I reset my game and got my horse back. Sure I lost an hour’s worth of playtime, but it was worth it.

With all of the graveyards cleared out I went back and talked to Seth. Seth is really happy that the dead are roaming the Earth. It has made his life far more enjoyable. Personally I think the guy is just out of his mind. He’s having a creepy little undead party at his place and he’s hitting on two zombie chicks. Seth swallows the glass eye to prove that the eye has nothing to do with it. He does tell John that the problem is Aztec, or Inca or something along those lines, basically he says go down to Mexico. I will, but not until I deal with the other mission string in New Austin.

But first I have to watch a film director/producer guy get eaten by zombies. Moron.

The next set of mission strings has to deal with Mr. Nigel West Dickens, a character that I have never liked and this doesn’t make him any better. He’s holed up with Ft. Mercer, a perpetual safe zone, trying to peddle his “tonic” as a way to save yourself from the zombie plague. I hate crap like that. People are scared, lost, and confused and somebody tries to take advantage of that. Well it turns out that West Dickens’ “tonic” actually attracts zombies instead of repels them. Could be useful, but I rarely use thrown weapons. They take too long to use.

West Dickens sends me off on some wild goose chase to collect some plants for him. Hooray for gathering weeds. And these stupid weeds aren’t even close together! One set is in the Tall Trees area not far from John’s farm, the other set is Gaptooth Ridge on the eastern side of New Austin. What a load of crap that is. Supposedly these plants will allow West Dickens to fix his tonic. As far as I can tell it just makes the stuff more potent and more zombies are attracted to it. That’s the use of this stuff, you throw it on the ground and wait for zombies to come check it out, and then you shoot them all, or maybe use dynamite or something. I’ve never used the stuff.

Then West Dickens sends John out for some scrap parts since he feels that John is woefully under armed. John agrees and brings back the scraps to receive a Blunderbuss. The Blunderbuss is a fine , yet dangerous weapon to use. It has a long reload time but it uses unconventional ammo: undead parts. Or at least it would, except that mine broke and stopped working, FOR THE REST OF THE GAME!

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