Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - Back In The USA!

 I have made it back to the U.S. of A! Well, Mr. Marston has. I personally haven’t left the U.S.A. in years. But it is so nice to be done with Mexico and back to the game’s main story. If you were playing the game you would have a good idea about what comes next. If you’ve only gotten the info from my blog then you probably won’t.

You see, many years ago John Marston ran in a gang. Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, and Marston’s wife Abigail were all there. The one person who hasn’t been mentioned was the leader of this gang, Dutch van der Linde. Dutch was always a bit of a revolutionary. The gang would rob from the rich and give to the poor all Robin Hood like. Eventually Dutch grew to dislike people. He hated the system; he tried to fight the man, to bring about change. I’m guessing that one day he realized that change was never going to happen. Apparently he snapped and went a little crazy.

Three of the people on that list are accounted for. Bill Williamson is dead, Javier Escuella is in jail, and Abigail is married to Marston. She is currently being held by Federal Marshalls until Marston finishes his assignment. Dutch is the only one left. So that means the remainder of the game will be about bringing down Dutch and finishing the job.

I don’t mind Marston taking down his entire gang; I just wished they had presented that information earlier. I never knew Javier existed until Williamson ran to him. I didn’t know Marston actually had to bring him in as well until Marston captured him. I just thought Javier was icing on the cake for Marston. Dutch is the same way. It’s not mentioned that Marston has to bring him in as well until Marston is back in the U.S.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here. When I made back in to the United States I failed to complete a single story mission. Instead I ran around doing Stranger missions. The Lights, Camera, Action mission just kind of ended. I failed the I Know You mission, but I am happy to report that killing that creepy guy was worth it. Too bad he came back to life. I blackmailed a politician. I killed off some guy who got his maid pregnant. I tried to hunt a bounty. The bounty was way up in the snowy mountains and I had him on the back of my horse when I was attacked by a bear. I didn’t know that there were bears in this game. The bear killed me and I lost the bounty. I didn’t bother going after it again. I watched a movie about women’s suffrage and how I should support it instead. The cartoons in this game are very silly. I just wish there were more of them. They make for a great time killer.

I did try to do a story mission, but every time I went they were unavailable and I had to come back later. So I went to hunt those stupid beavers I needed for the Daedalus and Son mission, and that’s when my horse got killed by a cougar. I was able to kill the cougar before it came around and got me. Knowing that cougars unrealistically hunt in twos in this game I waited for the second one to show. He never did so I skinned the first one and then skinned my horse. It was at this time that two more cougars suddenly showed up and killed off poor Mr. Marston. Man cougars seem to respawn fast. It was about that point I decided to call it a night.

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