Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Red Dead Redemption - Horse and Kitty

I’ve had the same horse nearly the entire game. This isn’t like Grand Theft Auto where I could grab a car and successfully smash it up 3 seconds later. Horses are tough and they can take a beating. My horse is a palomino whom I’ve dubbed Bucky. He’s a Kentucky Saddler, and as I understand it, one of the better horses in the game. He’s been my companion for a long time and he’s even come back from the dead for me. A cougar once killed my horse, he came out of nowhere and one-shotted poor Bucky. I then killed the cougar and then I skinned Bucky. Sold off his hide and everything. What kind of a monster am I? Then I just whistled and he came running back to me. I love this horse. 

I’ve actually gotten mad when I couldn’t find my horse or use my horse. Like when Mr. West-Dickens entered Mr. Marston in a horse race, I ended up on a Paint! Where was Bucky during this race? I didn’t want this stupid Paint horse. I wanted my palomino back. You don’t come between a man and his horse. Unless it’s that Stranger mission where the guy wants his horse back for perverse reasons, then you’re free to intervene. 

Animals in this game have been very interesting. I can’t stand dealing with cougars. They are tough customers. They can kill your horse in one shot and they can drop Mr. Marston in two. Good use of your Dead Eye can be a major life saver with cougars. The best incident I’ve ever seen with a cougar though dealt with a train. I was on my way to capture a bounty when suddenly this brown blob bolted by me. I couldn’t figure out what it was at first. Eventually I realized that it was a cougar. I followed the cougar since I try to take them down whenever possible. Suddenly the cougar stopped at some train tracks. The cougar just politely sat there while the train when by. I guess it liked to count the cars or something.

As soon as the train passed the cougar bolted across the tracks and killed some innocent bystander. So the cougar literally waited for the train to pass before it took out its intended target. What a polite little kitty. I then shot, killed, and skinned the cougar. I’m pretty sure he had it coming.

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