Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Undead Nightmare - Stupid Unicorn

Crappy Unicorn picture

I made the horrible mistake of telling my wife that there is a unicorn in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. I, personally, had no desire to catch the unicorn. I had completed the main story and I was happy with that. I wasn’t out to get trophies or complete challenges. I was ready to move on, so I did. But suddenly she brought it back up that she wanted to see the unicorn. I took her to the Red Dead Wiki and showed her the unicorn, but they have a really crappy picture of the thing.

Since I was on the Wiki I looked up the requirements for getting the Unicorn. I had one more Horse of the Apocalypse to break and I needed to finish some hunting challenges. “Fine,” I said, “I’ll go ahead and do it.” The next three days were spent hunting down this stupid creature. Yeah, those Castlevania posts I’ve been putting up, that’s what I played on the weekend. I haven’t touched that game since Sunday.

I go to the Wiki to double check where the final Horse of the Apocalypse, Pestilence, is located. Turns out he can be practically anywhere in West Elizabeth, not very comforting. There is note that mentions he most commonly located around the Tall Trees area. So I hang around there.

After an hour of searching I finally got the notification that “A mythical creature is in the area.” Yes, I have found the horse and it wasn’t that horrible to look for him! I find the anemic looking creature and I prepare my lasso. Throwing out the rope like a pro I snag him in one shot. I bring my horse to a halt, jump off, and BAM! Pestilence drags Marston to the ground and bolts. Well I’m not about to let it end there.

I continue to chase the dumb horse on foot. I’m able to get close enough to him that I throw the lasso again when BAM! An undead cougar hits me from behind. Pestilence runs off into the woods and I lose sight of him. I viciously beat a cougar to re-death.

I then spent another hour looking for this dumb horse but I was unable to locate him again. I finally called it a night. Basically I made zero progress.

I’m still out looking for Pestilence. I’m riding all over West Elizabeth trying to find it. It takes an hour and a half to finally locate him. He’s on the Great Plains this time and there are no predators in sight. With a quick lasso throw I’m able to catch him, mount him, and finally, break him. Since Death is given to Marston at the end of the game, I have now broken all 4 Horses of the Apocalypse. This just left the hunting challenges.

Side note: Pestilence is a boring horse so I hopped back onto Death. Death at least has his auto-kill ability.

First up I had to kill 5 wolves, 2 bears, and 3 cougars with the torch. This shouldn’t be an easy task, but it was. There’s this trick that I could only hope the QA department had reported that involves the Apocalypse Horses. These horses can’t die (or at least killing them takes a lot), so if you stay mounted you can hit the critters with your torch with no fear of being hurt yourself. The animals will keep attacking your horse endlessly giving Marston plenty of time to light them on fire. Another plus is that all three of these creatures are really close to each other in the Tall Trees area. It wasn’t that hard to complete.

Then it was down to Mexico to hunt The Chupacabra. But I decided to go to bed first.

It was time to end this stupid hunt. I had saved in Chuparosa so I was fairly centered in the map. The Chupacabra could be practically anywhere in Mexico. So I rode around, for over an hour. I found no hide nor hair of the stupid creature. What I did find was Blood Pacts for all of the Apocalypse Horses. I was just riding around on Death when I ran over a random zombie and boom! challenge complete. I had killed every type of zombie with Death’s auto-kill ability. Go me!

Now, Death is a nice horse and all, but he’s not that cool looking. That’s actually a complaint I have for most of the Apocalypse Horses. Except for one. My trusty steed throughout most of this game, War. War is an awesome horse and I now had a way to bring him back. So I did. War and Marston rode around the country side setting the land ablaze. It was a happy reunion.

 But I still got bored. I was thinking about saving and calling it a night. I was traveling from Las Hermanas to Chuparosa to save when suddenly I got the sign. A mythical creature had appeared. I easily found the Chupacabra over a small hill. The thing looked like a deformed hyena, not very imaginative looking. But the Apocalypse Horses told me the devs lack imagination along those lines. He was also an easy kill. He didn’t try to run or fight back, he took the headshot like he wanted to die.

This just left the Unicorn. He’s also in Mexico on the north-eastern part of the map. Apprently he doesn’t give the ‘mythical creature’ warning as I was just riding around the area when I ran across him. He was really easy to break.

The Unicorn isn’t that great of a horse in my opinion and not worth the effort. War can set people on fire, Death can auto-kill, the Unicorn just goes fast. And it leaves a rainbow behind it. Next time I think I should get a robo-horse that can shoot rockets or something. That would probably be worth it.

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