Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Prototype - And The Tank Needs A Chaperone

I took the time to mention Elizabeth because the last mission I played was obnoxious and discussing Elizabeth was a little more fun. You see, Alex had to escort a tank. Apparently there are hives that have grown an extra thick shell and can’t be damaged by normal means. Blackwatch has whipped up something called a Thermobarc Tank. I have no idea what that means but it has enough fire power to blow open these reinforced hives. This means Alex has a chance to rescue Dana from inside one of the hives.

The tank really does a good job; the hives go down in one hit. But Alex has to keep the dumb thing safe from hunters and that is never fun. I actually had to do an escort mission where my job was to protect a tank, sure, I’ll bite. I was hesitant to use Alex’s powers during the mission since the military was standing right next to me almost the entire time. I had to pull out my claws and such on the occasion though, fighting 5 hunters at a time is just overwhelming, this generally lead to me being shot by a helicopter.

The tank destroys two hives and when you reach the third hive the tank pilot is killed by one of those tentacle things, military calls them Copperheads. The tank survives so Alex finally gets to steal it. I had been trying to steal the dumb thing the entire mission. This part of the mission is fun. The tank has BFG attached to it that kills everything in one hit and that has unlimited ammo (I’m sure that is just for this mission). I unleashed hell on anything and everything I could find. There was no reason to hold back. Hunters, copperheads, Blackwatch guys, they all fell before my mighty onslaught.

I used the tank to bust open a hole in the final hive where Dana was being kept. Time to go find her. Once inside a cutscene occurs where Alex confronts Elizabeth. I was shocked; I didn’t think I would see Elizabeth until the end of the game. It was a nice little surprise. He demands to know where Dana is and Elizabeth’s reply of “She’s with us now” is not very reassuring for Dana’s future. Elizabeth is happily kicking the crap out of Alex during their meeting. But Alex has some random syringe filled with some random chemical that he eventually jabs into Elizabeth’s neck. I have no idea where this syringe came from; I don’t remember a point in the game where someone says, “If you stab this into Elizabeth Greene you might be able to kill her.”

Well, Elizabeth doesn’t like being jabbed with needles so she pukes up Tyrant from Resident Evil to help her. She literally seems to barf this guy out of her mouth. It’s pretty gross and it’s also boss fight time.

So the guy isn’t actually Tyrant, he’s just a cheap knockoff called a Supreme Hunter. He’s not a hard fight, just time consuming. After you fight him for a bit he calls in some backup in the form of hunters, copperheads and infected humans. Eventually the military show up and unintentionally balance things out so Alex isn’t being constantly swarmed.

Fighting Not-Tyrant is just as fun as every other boss fight in the game. Maybe I should be more inventive with my attacks, but I don’t see the purpose when I can just jump around and throw out my Whipfist. Seriously, the Whipfist keeps me out of harm’s way and does some great damage. I love the thing, but it is way off balance. The crazy range it has doesn’t help either. I can whack an enemy from two city block. I use it on helicopters on a regular basis (especially now that I can skyjack).

So after whipping the Tyrant-Clone to death Alex finds Dana randomly lying on the floor. He grabs her and takes her back to Dr. Ragland who then does a thorough examination by just looking at her. I swear he just glances and goes “She’s stable. She’ll be ok.” That’s it?! What about that thing Elizabeth said? She’ll probably mutate into some monster and Alex will be forced to kill her! But maybe all of that could have been avoided if Dr. Ragland actually examined her! Come one Doc! Get with the program here!

Instead the good Doctor hands Alex a piece of paper and says “This just popped up.” Alex now has a plan. I don’t know what the plan is or why the plan is. I don’t know what was on the paper or why it was important. I don’t know why my next mission objective is to go to a phone booth to talk to a contact. Wait, what? How the hell does Alex know some informant guy is trying to call him in a phone booth? When was all of this setup?

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