Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - Yes I'm Doing A Movie Review

I didn’t get to play last night. I went out to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon instead. I’m a huge Transformers fan, I keep up with series and I still buy the toys. The first Michael Bay movie was alright. I was able to enjoy it and I saw a lot of promise for the franchise. Then came the second movie, Revenge of the Fallen. That movie was a mess. The story was all over the place and the new characters were either underused or made into complete morons and shoved in your face. I hated the second movie. I’m not asking for Shakespeare, but I don’t want to leave the theater feeling dumber then when I entered.

Dark of the Moon is more of a combination of the first two movies. It still has major pacing problems. Things are thrown at you very quickly and it can be hard to keep up. New characters come out of the woodworks only to not be properly introduced, setup, given personalities, or be even slightly relatable. The movie’s big twist has absolutely zero impact because you have no connection with the character. He’s barely been around.

The action is fun and easier to follow this time around. This is always the point that Bay excels at. He knows how to do action. Things stay at a fairly frantic pace but there’s still no connection. When we see a bot die near the end it doesn’t seem to matter.

The entire movie just happens so fast though. You jump from scene to scene where information is just thrown at you endlessly. You never have a chance to comprehend what’s going on because the next big thing is already being thrown at you.

The entire movie is one big plot hole if you try to tie in the events of the first two movies. It was nice to see some consistencies such as the Matrix being reused. But if you try to tie the movies together  you’ll probably end up with a big headache in the end.

It really is a dumb popcorn flick in the end.  I liked it better then the second one, but it is still far behind the first one. So this is me dropping my little movie blurb. Don’t get used to them, I won’t do them often.

Oh and this movie basically stole its plot from one of the cartoons. That is just awesome.

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