Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - There Be Quail Here

The camera is absolutely driving me nuts. I can’t play for more than an hour at a time. After that I start feeling to nauseous to continue. I can’t even play a different game at that point. I have to just walk away from the system and go read a book. It’s a good thing that I like to read (I highly recommend Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series). Let this be a lesson to all developers, Hold the camera still!

There’s a quail. Why is there a quail? And why did I spend 5 minutes chasing the dumb thing? In an odd little touch for the Land of the Lycans the devs inserted quail. These dumb little birds just run around and can’t be killed. I’m surprised to see quail, I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t think that the lycans or goblins in the area would let anything like that live. So it’s an interesting little touch. One that had me chasing a bird around for 5 minutes.

I finally get to make use of the spike chain for riding a giant animal. Early in this section I have to ride a giant boar and use it to break down a door. Instead I rode the boar in circles and used it to trampled goblins for a few minutes. Once I got bored with that I finally broke the door down and moved on. Then I got to strangle my mount. I was hoping that I got to ride the dumb pig for part of the level, but you only use it to open one door.

The rest of the level is pretty standard fair. Killing lycans and goblins as required. I can’t seem to find lifestones at all. Collect 5 lifestones and you get a health increase. I have only found 3 so far. I guess I need to go back to find more, but that means dealing with the camera in old areas. That does not sound like any fun. I would rather move forward, but I keep dying so I obviously need the stupid gems. Maybe I can convince my wife to go look for them…

Anyways, the end of this section has Gabriel fighting what looks like an Alpha Lycan or some such (Greater Lycanthrope it turns out). I can’t fairly call it an interesting fight; most enemies seem to have the same basic attack pattern at this point. They seem to charge their attack and then they attack. I’m still a little slow blocking, but I do tend to dodge on a regular basis.  In the end this fight wasn’t hard. Before this fight though I found a note that went along the lines of “Use the right weapon for the right kind of enemy.” And I’m thinking “What the hell is he talking about?” Gabriel only has two weapons, his whip and his daggers. I suppose you can count his magic but I haven’t unlocked any of the magic attacks yet.

Once the fight is over Gabriel attempts to open a giant door, but the door breaks, falls and smashes a giant hole in the ground that Gabriel falls into. I have determined that Gabriel died when he hit the bottom and I am now playing a ghost. The pit had to be about 500’+. There is no way Gabriel survived. And he obviously didn’t use his whip to grab hold of anything because he’s lying on the ground like he just fell 500’+. Gabriel really should have shot out his hookshot and grabbed a ledge, then I would believe that he’s alive. Has it is right now, I am convinced that Gabriel failed his mission and died and the rest of the game will actually be his own personal hell.

And that’s why the first thing he does is fight a giant spider. Wait…what?! A stupid giant spider, really?! I was hoping I wouldn’t see these guys for a while. Ohhhhhh, and now I have to tame one. That feels a little late. And I’m taming it so I can pull down that tree? Didn’t I use my hookshot to pull down the last tree? Why can’t I do that again instead of riding a giant spider? Stupid spider.

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