Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dynasty Warriors 7 - The Forever Conquest

For all those looking for my Dynasty Warriors 7 – Final Thoughts, it does not currently exist. Yes I plan on doing one, but I haven’t completed conquest mode yet. “Why the delay?” you may ask. Truth is I play Conquest mode with my wife and only with my wife. It’s fun to have a second person playing. Even if she does only use the same character so that he is now vastly overpowered vs. all other characters in the game. That’s her choice.

In past Dynasty Warriors games I absolutely despised archers. They were always knocking me off of my horse and always causing a problem. They’re not as bad in number 7. Sure a large group can quickly whittle through your health, but they are no longer prone to knocking you down. It is a very nice change of pace.

The issue is that an annoying troop type still exists and that would be the mounted Calvary. I always seem to miss them, I can’t stop their stupid charge, and I tend to get ran over by 5 (or more) in a row. I lost a mission 3 times last night thanks to those stupid Calvary guys. I finally had to have my wife come down with her massively powered Xiahou Dun to kill them so we could beat the mission.

To make matters worse I was using Zhou Tai. Now Zhou Tai was not a character that got used during the main story line so he has to be unlocked during Conquest mode. This poor guy had no upgrades to speak of and he had to survive a 4 star difficulty.  There’s no other choice though if you want to play this guy. You have to defeat this mission and then he unlocks.

That’s an issue I’m having with how characters are unlocked. Some of their missions are fairly difficult, while others are fairly simple. This means a new character may end up in a mission that is 4 or 5 stars and have no upgrades to speak of. That will make it a very hard mission for that character. Has my wife and I make our way up to China’s most northern point I see two characters are there to unlock. I wonder how difficult their missions will be?

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