Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prototype - Oh Captain, My Captain

I don’t know how many paragraphs I’ve written that feel like my Final Thoughts on this game, but it is way too early for that. Let’s cut the opening paragraph BS and just get to the next mission.

So Alex is off to meet with Karen Parker again. Karen still seems to be working on an antidote but she needs better samples. Alex has to go inside of a hive and gather fresh material. Nothing happens on the way to the hive, so I took a moment to kill people along the way. Isn’t Alex such a great hero? Once at the hive Alex enters it and begins grabbing samples. Nothing special going on, not even an enemy to fight. So far this is a fairly hum-drum mission.

LOOK! It’s a sneak attack! The Captain guy (who has no name that I can think of) repels into the hive and challenges Alex to a duel! With cards! Ok, the guy actually uses an electric stun rod and a fancy rocket launcher. This is a boss fight, so I was expecting a challenge. Boy was I disappointed. I just get hitting the guy with a charged Whipfist. It helped tons that he would yell “reloading” when his gun was empty. So he basically screamed “Hit me!” During the fight soldiers and virus monsters would interfere, but they were just a minor distraction. A few more well placed hits from my Whipfist to the Captain’s face and the fight was done. Took less than a minute. I was very bored during the entire thing.
So the Captain reveals that Alex has been betrayed even though he never actually says by who. Alex just assumes that it was Karen and since she sent him here that would be a pretty good assumption. He’s better off without her. At some point the military learned that when Alex’s memories try to return they cause him pain. They also learned that they could insert false memories. I don’t quite know how they did that, but they did. Dating Karen might have been a false memory, it’s hard to say.

The Captain mentions Penn Station, that causes a memory to flash in Alex’s brain and causes him to collapse. Then the Captain pulls out that syringe that he was given earlier and stabs it into Alex’s back. Captain congratulates himself on a job well done and tries to call in a containment vessel for Alex, but Alex has suddenly disappeared.

The game has now decided that you no longer need your powers, which is a shame since they are the best part of the game. I love using Alex’s powers. His claws, hammerfists, whipfist, all of them are a grand old time. Now I only have the ability to run, jump, and glide. Big deal. This actually means that combat is out for a little, or that I need to be more careful when fighting. All I know is that the next batch of missions will probably have me without my powers.

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