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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Prototype - The Case of Elizabeth Greene

Let’s discuss Elizabeth Greene for a moment. She seems to be the big antagonist of the story. Alex blames her from the spread of the virus. Now I thought that the Blackwatch guys unleashed the virus and that’s how Alex got infected. I would have to guess then that Blackwatch contained their test zone and things didn’t get out of hand until Alex meet Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Greene lived in the town of Hope, Idaho, a small Army town that was used as the first test site for the virus. Everyone died, except for Elizabeth. She apparently became frozen in time. The Hope incident occurred in the 1960s; Elizabeth looked to be in her late teens back then. 50 years later and Elizabeth still looks to be in her late teens. I liked the memory Alex absorbed that explained this part. Elizabeth was sitting in a room and the room changed around her while she remained the same. Except that someone eventually got bored and cut her hair and shoved her into a skin-tight rubber suit. She wears normal clothes for most of the scene and she has long hair. Then suddenly her hair is short and she’s wearing rubber. Somebody was having kinky thoughts about this creepy zombie chick.

Elizabeth’s blood produces variant strains of the virus on a regular basis. A large number of these are harmless, but occasionally she will produce one that could destroy the world. This makes her the perfect test subject for the military. So they kept her locked up for 50 years until Alex came into the room. The biggest issue I have with that is how easily she left building. Alex did nothing the help her or encourage her. She just got up and destroyed a wall. If she’s that powerful why didn’t she just leave earlier? And why was she allowed to redecorate her room in a virus décor? This chick wasn’t very well contained.

Once she was free she began to spread the virus all over town. She set up hives to help produce more of her creations and to bring about human suffering. What her exact plan is with this course of action is unknown.

I’ve learned most of this recently from absorbing various people on the street. It has been nice to finally get some background info on Miss Greene. I never really understood what her role in the game was. Alex kept referring to her as a bad guy, but I had seen no proof of that. I knew nothing about her except that she jumped off a roof. Now I know some of her secrets. Now I want to know what her final goal is.

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