Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prototype - Chase The Monkey

I think I’ve stared at the loading screen for 5 minutes before I realized I was able to play. The transition between ‘loading’ and ‘continue’ is very subtle, plus it’s so far below the tip text that is scrolling across the screen that I tend to ignore it. It doesn’t help that the tip text changes every 3 seconds. So I keep reading tips and end up ignoring the continue. That’s pretty sad.

So Alex has his powers back and it’s time to go kick some butt, but first he needs to apologize to his sister. Last time Alex talked to her he creeped her out by talking about how the people he’s killed (absorbed) are still floating around in his brain. She didn’t like that very much, but it’s been three missions since then and she’s more than ready to forgive. Unfortunately a giant hunter thinks she’s being too soft so he breaks through the wall and kidnaps her. Go deformed King Kong!

This is really easy to see coming. Dana’s safe house was suddenly located in a virus infected area, that didn’t too bode well for her. Why people who are in virus zones think they can just relax and live a normal life is beyond me.

So Alex must give merry chase to the giant hunter. I was completely unsure what the goals of this mission were. I chased down the hunter and I kept trying to fight him but that didn’t appear to do any good. I died three times trying to take this guy out. I figured Dana was dead and that I would get to fight the hunter in the end, but that never happens. You can’t catch the hunter until he reaches a certain location, then you have to battle normal hunters, then the big hunter, a little. He eventually gets away with Dana. Do you know who Alex blames? Elizabeth Greene, that’s who. So I’m guess she’s a big bad guy. Alex only talked to her for 5 seconds or so, that’s not really enough time to get to know someone. But Alex has realized that she can control the virus and the creatures that spawn from it so they have to be behind Dana’s kidnapping.

It would be nice if we could see her do these things. All I know about Elizabeth Greene is that she was experimented on and when Alex went to find her she left her containment cell all on her own. I’ve never been given any information that she can spread or even control the virus. All I have is Alex’s assumptions on the matter. Hopefully we’ll learn more about her as the game goes on.

I’ll just go with their logic, but I’ve never actually seen Elizabeth Greene actually do anything except jump out of a window. Sure hunters then suddenly appeared but I thought she was more after the military instead of Alex, considering that she just escaped them.

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