Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prototype - Virus Protection Is GO!

So it turns out that this game actually takes place in Manhattan. I always figured that it was some kind of knockoff. It still doesn’t seem right. I haven’t seen Time Square or the Statue of Liberty anywhere. I should compare Prototype’s map with Spider-Man 2’s map. Spider-Man 2 had a great recreation of Manhattan.

I actually tried to do two missions last night, but I had something come up during the second mission so I was forced to quit. This is too bad since the first mission is another escort a vehicle mission. It’s pretty straight forward and the second mission was really an immediate tie-in.

I don’t really get the motivation for what is going on in this game right now. Alex has been working hard to suppress this new virus killing toxin, Bloodtox. Suddenly Alex is out to protect the stuff. When the military released the toxin last time it caused the virus to go underground. So now the military has a great plan to pump the chemicals into the ground. Alex wants to help since this will supposedly bring Elizabeth Greene to the surface. Sounds like we’re pretty close the end of the game.

You now have to escort this Bloodtox tanker to downtown. You can snag a tank or maybe a nearby helicopter. I was in a tank and that worked fine for the entire mission. Occassionally a Hydra tentacle would pop-up to harass the Bloodtox tanker. All you had to do was shoot it down. Rinse and repeat and the mission would be over. I will admit to destroying some of the other tanks that were in the convoy to protect the tanker. The mission might have been even easier if they had survived, but they got in my line of fire. So it’s their fault. At least that’s what I plan to tell the insurance adjuster.

The next mission is really highlights a lot of issues I have with the combo system in this game. I’ll talk about that mission after I’ve beaten it though. That should be tonight.

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