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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prototype - Follow The Leader

It’s nice to see that Alex cares about someone else other then himself. He’s been running around slaughtering people in the thousands looking for revenge, but he’ll put all of that aside to rescue his sister. This is probably the most human we’ve ever seen the guy. It’s a nice change of pace from the “I’m going to kill the guys who took my life!” attitude that he normally displays. There still isn’t a lot of personality attached to the guy, but it’s a start.

So the next few missions focus on Alex’s quest to free his sister. Ragland talks about the giant hunters being Leader Hunters, the Alpha of a pack. If you can absorb the hunter that took Dana you can use its memories to locate Dana. Go Alex and rescue your sister!

Finding another leader hunter is pretty simple. The game isn’t bothering with out of the way objectives like it did at the beginning. Fighting the leader isn’t that hard, just stay out of its way. I highly recommend the Whipfist in these situations. The thing hits hard and from a pretty good distance, it’s almost like cheating. Once the leader is weak enough Alex attempts to absorb it, but fails. The creature is too strong or something.

You have to chase the leader for a little now until he calls in some normal hunters. It’s a good size pack and hunters are a pain to fight. Once they start their lame combo attack they can’t be knocked out of it. I’ve recently learned to use this awesome “Devastator” (aka BIG) attack where Alex shoots tentacles everywhere and kills everything in the immediate area. It’s the same attack Alex used at the end of the tutorial level. This attack completely leveled the hunters and now the big guy wants to kill Alex. I assume that this is a good thing.

Alex lures the guy back to the abandoned military base where Patient Zero is located. You have to attack the leader every once in a while to make sure he doesn’t interest in Alex. Once at the base it’s time to take down the leader. Really you’re out to knock him unconscious so Ragland can study him and tell Alex why he can’t absorb the leader. I guess this might count as a boss fight. I found it really easy to use the Whipfist on this guy. I would jump in the air, hit him with the Whipfist and then do it all over again, made this a really easy fight.

Ragland says leaders have to be weakened to be absorbed; this goes straight into “no duh” territory. Every hunter has to be weakened before it can be absorbed. Apparently leader hunters have two spines and two brains and somehow that prevents Alex from absorbing them. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. With this info Alex goes back to the abandoned base to absorb the leader he knocked unconscious there. So, if Ragland wasn’t at the abandoned base how did he study the leader? I demand an explanation!

Alex absorbs the leader and now he can tap into the hive mind. Resistance is futile! It’s off to a military base so Alex can absorb people who have been infected but haven’t turned into monsters yet. You get to use this spiffy virus vision to see people who are carrying the virus. Apparently there are a lot of carriers in the military. I was able to stay in disguise, stealth absorb people and destroy the base without being caught. I like moments like that.

With enough virus material absorbed Alex can fully tap into the hive and locate the leader that took Dana. So that’s your next target and Alex is only too happy to go and eat this guy. I have to say that Alex has adapted to his new powers rather nicely. I wonder if they guy would actually enjoy a hamburger normally or if his body would just absorb it. And does he have to take a dump from absorbing people?

Anyways the hunter is really easy to find. He’s on top of a building with a few buddies. The tentacle devastator took out his buddies, and then it was the Whipfist on the leader. This poor guy had no chance. I would run up the side of the building, smack the leader with the Whipfist and go back down the other side of the building. I kept doing this until I absorbed him. I kinda felt sorry for the guy.

It turns out Dana is in a reinforced hive that can’t be destroyed by normal means. I guess it’s time to go find some big guns.

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