Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prototype - Naming The Opposition

So I actually took some time to do multiple missions and what would happen? I ended up beating the game. Go figure, I knew I was that close the end. I just didn’t think I was that close The ending makes about as much sense as the rest of the story, but I’ll go into that in my Final Thoughts.

First mission is to destroy the Bloodtox facility. This is all an elaborate rouge by Alex’s contact to help Alex reach McMullen.  Apparently Alex destroy the facility and then allows himself to get captured. Then the soldiers will randomly take Alex to McMullen. I don’t get the logic behind it, but that has never been Prototype’s strong point.

Attacking the facility sucks. In the mission briefing it’s mentioned that Alex is building an immunity to Bloodtox. I thought, “Great, maybe I can live a little longer around the stuff.” Nope, the stupid stuff will still rip Alex’s health right down to zero if you’re not careful. I did a lot of hit and run with the arm Blade. One of the few times I actually used something other than the Whipfist. With the number of solders (some are Super Soldiers) and tanks in the area I just couldn’t hang around for long. Add to the fact that the Bloodtox was destroying Alex’s health. The back and forth of the whole thing wasn’t a lot of fun, but it was the only safe way I found I could do the mission. Whatever works, right?

With the facility down Alex pretends to get captured. Skip to Alex breaking out of confinement and confronting McMullen. Boo! I wanted to play that section. The conversation between the two is pretty straight forward. McMullen says he know all about Hope, Idaho and then kills himself. That’s really about it.  Awww, Alex is unable to learn what happened in Hope, Idaho. This makes everyone cry.

Once again, back to the dealing with the contact who is finally revealed to be that Captain guy Alex fought earlier. He’s against nuking Manhattan so he’s helping Alex take out the chain of command.  That’s too bad. My money was on Karen Parker. I thought maybe she cared enough about Alex that she found a way to help him by being a shadow contact. At least the captain guy does have some motivation. Oh and they also give him a name, Captain Cross. So I’ll be calling him Cross from now on.

Cross (see!) wants Alex to take out Taggart next. Who the hell is Taggart? What has he done this entire game and why should I/Alex care about this guy? Apparently Taggart was in charge of the Marines during this mission. He wanted to nuke Manhattan early on but the General said “no”. There’s more to it, go read it yourself. I don’t remember any of this being mentioned during the story.

First things first, Alex has to destroy every helicopter on the Island that Taggart could possibly use to escape.  I failed this mission at first since I was a little confused about what exactly to do. I was chasing helicopters everywhere and eventually one of them got away.

When I beat this mission it was awesome! I was jumping from helicopter to helicopter, killing people that way and I was having a blast doing it. The Whipfist proved to be really valuable again. The thing might be a little over-powered.

Once the copters were down Alex had to force Taggart out into the open by destroying the military base he was in. Again, this took time since every time I attacked the base enemy soldiers would swarm my position. Didn’t help that there were virus detectors everywhere. The good part is that enemies with rocket launchers would show up on a regular basis. This allowed me to hit the base strong without driving a tank in on a suicide mission.

Once the base goes down Taggart runs away in one of those Thermobaric Tanks. These things still pack a punch and you have to be careful since this is actually a fairly long chase mission. I kept trying to get to Taggart early in the mission, but all that happens is Alex gets knocked off the tank for decent damage. During the chase you’ll encounter blockades where Taggart will hide for a while. The goal is to kill everyone in the blockade without killing Taggart. This means using a Devastator attack is a bad idea. I learned this the hard way.

After three blockades Alex finally gets the chance to absorb Taggart. Apparently Taggart pissed off the General guy, General Randall. The idea is to have Alex impersonate Taggart to get close to the General. Wouldn’t the General be surrounded by virus detection devices? I like how I’m learning all of the bad guy names at the end of the game. These guys have shown up every now and then and I had no idea who they were, at all.

Next mission is the last. I’ll talk about it next time.

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