Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Chasing Blondes

The so called Labyrinth proved to be anything but. Once I learned that the whole thing depended on using Wargs to get around the area became pretty simple. A few leaps and bounds and I found myself at the end of the level where I promptly strangled my Warg. Yeah, that turned out to be a pretty dumb move.

At the very end of the area there’s a wall that only a Warg can climb. I had no idea something like this existed. When I saw the wall I thought I had reached the end of the Warg’s path and so I killed it. I had to work my way back a good distance to find the Warg’s spawn point again so I could catch another one. Then I was able to complete the level. Gabriel runs into the blonde girl again has she dives into this massive opening, prompting Gabriel to follow.

I dove head first into the next section, The Waterfalls of Agharia. This is a pretty small area. I’ll admit that I was surprised how small. It also threw me off a little bit. These blue flames would just spark to life and I kept thinking that Gabriel needed to do something with them. Turns out I was wrong, they’re just for decoration. The flames are burning Gremlin guano which was used as a source of power for the old Kingdome of Agharia.

You can also expect to run into Gremlins. They’re little flying creatures that happen to know that their poop if flammable. These guys will actually fling flaming poop at Gabriel. That makes me laugh, enemies that actually fling poop.

So this area is literally, go left, grab the bridge key, extend the bridge halfway. Then, walk to the halfway point on the bridge, go left, ride the giant spider to rip out a door, grab the second bridge key, and extend the bridge. That’s the basics of it, nice and simple. The gremlins are actually the biggest problem in the area. They like to swarm Gabriel so some area attacks are nice.

Once the bridge is complete Gabriel gets swarmed by even more Gremlins’. This battle continues until a giant black knight interrupts, kills the Gremlins and then prepares to kill Gabriel. Thankfully the blonde girl named Claudia, shows up and stops the knight. Claudia can talk to Gabriel without using her mouth because she is one of “The Gifted” and there is no further explanation then that. She seems perky, almost annoying. I don’t think I like her and I think she’s up to no good.

She can apparently read minds, so she reads Gabriel’s. Her first reaction is one of terror. She recoils in horror from what she sees in his mind, but she quickly hides that under the pretense of liking what he’s going to do. Killing the Lords of Shadow and bringing back his dead wife suddenly seem like a good idea. Yeah….her initial reaction makes me highly suspicious. But she’s tagging along and I’m fine with that as long as she isn’t an escort mission.

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