Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, June 20, 2011

PlayStation Network - My Free Games

With the PlayStation Network back people were given a choice of select games that they can download for free. While this wasn’t the greatest selection of games available I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and grab my two games. The best benefit of this is that my wife also has a PlayStation Network account so she also got two games and since these games don’t have any crappy DRM on them either of us can play any of these games at any time. Hooray for 4 free games.

My first choice was inFAMOUS. The game has had my eye for a long time and while I’m bummed that I don’t have it on disc, it is still nice have it. That game will get a full playthrough blog so I’ll leave it alone for now.

Second choice was Super Stardust HD. This is a fun twin stick arcade shooter. It’s made pretty accessible since the second stick does all of the firing, not just the aiming. The game is bright and colorful and so far, a lot of fun.

My wife’s first choice was Dead Nation. Now this surprised me a little, but she was hoping it would be as fun as Resident Evil 5. We played co-op on that and had an absolutely amazing time, even if the story is incredibly cheesy. Well she’s disappointed that it isn’t. It’s another twin stick shooter, but this time the right stick only aims and the R1 fires. This makes playing a little more complicated. She kept dying on a very regular basis. I didn’t do too badly at surviving.

Her second choice was Wipeout HD. She likes racing games so I wasn’t too surprised by this. The wipeout franchise is fun, but I was shocked by how hard the game was. I couldn’t even win my first race. I knew the later races would be tough but I thought I would have a chance to get used to the game mechanics first.

We passed on Little Big Planet for a very simple reason, Sack Boy. That thing is one of the creepiest creations I have ever seen. He’s got this evil little doll vibe hidden behind a cute face thing going for him. This is too bad since I love the basic concept of Little Big Planet. The chance to build my own levels sounds like fun, but can we get a character that isn’t creepy in the game instead?

So our 4 choices can get blogs at any point in time. I should probably start adding my downloaded games to the poll, but it’s not like anyone is actually voting.

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