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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Random Selection

The first patch came out. Patch 1.01.  Apparently it fixed some online stuff. The game also now checks for DLC. Nothing's due out on that front until March 15th. Seems kinda odd though that a patch had to be added for that. I would think the game would do that out of the box.

What is with the random select mode in Marvel vs Capcom 3? I honestly can't call it very random. The game would literally seem to get stuck on certain characters. Last time I was playing versus with my wife I think we saw Morrigan every round. It was a good dozen fights in before Felicia was selected and then she started showing up almost every round. Deadpool was also a popular choice from the random button but Arthur? Nah, I don't think we even saw him and we played a good 20 rounds. I just wish that random felt a little more random.

I really feel that more of the character endings need to be like Spencer's. At the end of his playthrough Spencer actually has the nerve to ask She-Hulk on a date. AND SHE ACCEPTS! Well Spencer actually takes her to a war zone and the two of them beat up bad guys. It's funny, it's silly, and it doesn't take itself seriously. We need more of these in the game.

What we don't need is more of Chris capturing Wesker, Jean Grey losing control and Dark Phoenix taking over, or Akuma lamenting on how there are no more worthy opponents in all of existence. These are pretty cliche' for these characters. The story for this game should in no way, shape, or form, take itself that seriously. We get their normal games/comics/shows for those types of story lines. This game should completely up the camp/cheese factor. It really needs to let lose and have more fun. Sure Iron Man's Galactus Buster armor is pretty neat looking, but why not have Tony get in trouble for trying to date multiple women from the Capcom universe? That could have been far more interesting then what we got.

I think it's funny that I found Spencer's ending funny, because She-Hulk's fall flat. She's apparently a judge now and she breaks her desk with her gavel. Should have been funny, but the presentation just doesn't work.

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