Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

God of War II - Most Excellent Platforming

A lot happened in tonight's play through and things started off with a bang. As I noted I stopped just after getting the Spear of Destiny. A weapon that I'll probably use as often as the Barbarian's Hammer, never. So here I am with Kratos standing on a bridge with a swing point just in front of him. The succession of swing points that occurs here is awesome. Kratos is jumping from point to point while the pillars around him are crumbling to the ground. Launching from the various swing points while all this chaos is going on is just a blast, it's just a shame that this is the first time anything like this has happened. Many of these points aren't actual swing points. Instead Kratos latches to them and drags himself over to the them, he then leaps off of the pillar to the next point. I can't recall having seen this type of grapple point in the game. Sure that have been points where Kratos is drawn to them, but none where he would then leap off the wall. I was not expecting the leaping part so on my first try I died. Made it the second round, the section is tons of fun but concept could have been introduced a little earlier.

Shortly thereafter Kratos meets Icarus. In Greek mythology Icarus had wings made of wax, he flew to close the sun which melted his wings. Icarus then fell to his death. In God of War Icarus is a crazy old man. I assumed his madness came from flying to close the sun, which means God of War borrowed from Disney's Hercules cartoon! I did not see that one coming. Anywho, Icarus is like everyone else around here, determined to meet with the Sisters of Fate and no one else can have that opportunity except for him. Icarus even brags that only his wings will take him to the Sisters. In grand Kratos style, Kratos says he'll take Icarus' wings then and meet with the Sisters.

A very cool fight occurs where the two are falling to their deaths and they toss and tumble and fight until Kratos wins. I admit that I laughed when Icarus tried to appease Kratos by claiming that they are actually destined to meet the Sisters of Fate together. This was Icarus trying to save his life. Kratos would have none of it and rips off Icarus' wings which had ACTUALLY BEEN GRAFTED ON TO HIS BODY?! That's just nuts. But now Kratos has them and he can hide them at will, but they're only used for gliding he can't actually fly with them. Personally I wouldn't trust the wings. Every time the wings appear I think 200 or so feathers go flying off. It looks like the wings should be pretty barren at the rate they're molting.

After the falling part Kratos lands on a Titan who happens to have platforms growing out of his body. This part is a ton of fun and also extremely frustrating, but for different reasons. The wings really come in to play here. Kratos is wandering in and out of the Titan's body pulling off various platforming maneuvers just to work his way around. I love tough, challenging but fair platforming and this area has it in spades. Especially towards the end when Kratos is climbing up a cliff face and rocks are falling directly at him. He has to jump back and forth in timing to the rocks to make it across. It was just fun to play. But eventually you reach the Titan and that's where I got frustrated.

The Titan turns out to be Atlas, the guy you always see holding up the world on his back. Kratos and Atlas apparently have a history together. Atlas being sealed away underground is apparently Kratos' fault. But I don't remember playing this part and it wasn't in the last game so I don't know when this happened. I'm missing a part of the story and I want it filled in! Hmmm...let's hop over to the wiki. Apparently Atlas and Kratos met in the PSP game Chains of Olympus and Kratos is the one who chained Atlas up and forced him to hold up the world. Atlas seems very forgiving of Kratos' hand in his imprisonment and actually gives Kratos a new ability, the Atlas Quake. It causes seismic tremors. Seems like a good ability.

Atlas helps Kratos reach the Tower of Fates. The tower is a fairly run-of-the-mill area until you reach the Translator. Then it becomes an "escort mission". Thankfully not a long one. Kratos must get the Translator back to a book so he can translate it for Kratos. It's very convenient that a translator just happened to be around. Kratos must keep the Translator alive until they reach the book and for a short while after they reach the book. It's not hard and this sort of mission is rare enough in these games that I didn't mind it. It's funny though that Kratos works so hard to keep the Translator alive because Kratos offers the Translator as a sacrifice just moments later.

It's at this point that you finally meet one of the Sisters of Fate. She congratulates Kratos on sacrificing another human being. This shows he really wants to meet the Sisters. Just a note that she has one boob hanging out and it looks fake. It stays remarkably perky for having zero support. My guess? Implants. If this had been a Tecmo game she'd be bouncing all over the place, but at least then I would have known that they were real. Then there was a little bit of backtracking to the save point and that's where I currently sit.

Next time: What ever comes next, there's a chance that boobs will be involved.

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