Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

God of War II - Boss Battle Extravaganza

I had no idea how close I was to the end of the game when I entered the Temple of Fates. I also had no idea how many boss battle there would be or how long each of them would take. The hardest part was actually figuring out how to properly fight them. God of War has been great with their "platforming" or "thinking" style bosses and the end of the game has them in mass. Let's discuss shall we.

First off, upon entering the Temple there's the weird bell puzzle. I actually got stuck on this for a little while, but only because I didn't realize there was a handle that Kratos needed to turn. I got both bells to ring at the same time and I found the switch in the water, beyond that I was confused. I didn't notice the platform directly beneath the Fate Statue that Kratos could stand on. I found it by accident and from there solving the puzzle and breaking the giant face was easy. I was completely expecting the giant face to talk to me. I'm kinda sad that it didn't.

Shortly after begins a long round of boss battles. First of is Lahkesis, the Sister of Fate with the implant. Lahkesis makes mention that Kratos was expected but that he can't change his fate. Kratos decides to ignore the Sister and the fight begins. Lahkesis is a fun fight, but not overly difficult. I found most of her attacks to be easily blockable, dodgeable or returnable (via the golden fleece). They mixed it up a little when Lahkesis begins flying during the fight and Kratos has to use grapple points to reach her. Not a hard fight to figure out and fairly satisfying.

Then the second Sister, Atropos, shows up ( I could swear there were three Sisters in the Greek mythology). Atropos takes Kratos through a mirror-portal to the past, to the fight were Kratos killed Ares. Atropos plans to break the Blade of the Gods (the sword that Kratos used to defeat Ares), thus altering time and allowing Ares to kill Kratos. This battle was fairly boring. The battle takes place on the sword so there's not a ton of room to move, but since the battle is so simple you won't have to worry. Cronos' Rage and Typhon's Bane make short work of Atropos. Kratos makes it back through the mirror, but Atropos becomes "trapped".

I say "trapped" because Kratos now has to fight Lahkesis and Atropos together. Lahkesis charges the mirrors so Atropos can at least get her top half through. Lahkesis needs to go down first, but this didn't quite dawn on me at first. I kept knocking Lahkesis down and I noticed her head would start glowing green. I just figured that she was now invincible and I couldn't hurt her. No, this is actually a sign that Kratos can slow down time and beat the snot out of Atropos while she's half-popped through a mirror.

After beating on Atropos I noticed that the mirror she had been in was broken so I figured it couldn't be used anymore. I was wrong, broken mirrors eventually heal unless Kratos completely smashes them. Once I realized this the fight came to a quick conclusion. Kratos shoves both Sisters through the final mirror and shatters it trapping the two Sisters in the past. So you would think that the Sisters would just be alive in the past. That they would find Kratos and still kill him? This doesn't seem like a conclusion to their story. They're not dead, technically they could just come running right back into the room and be mad that Kratos trapped them in the past. Or maybe they could have teamed up with themselves and made the boss fight even harder. They're still alive, they have options.

Kratos continues through the Temple, in the distance you can eventually see what looks like a giant clound monster with boobs. It talks to Kraots but I found this thing really hard to understand, but I got the impression that this cloud creature is what spins the Threads of Fate. There's a gauntlet of enemies that Kratos has to plow through first. They're not hard fights especially since Kratos' magic is easily refilled. This allows for liberal use of Cronos' Rage. The hardest I had was against a group of Gorgons and Sirens, but that was only because the Gorgon's would stone Kratos and the Sirens would shatter him. That gets defined more as cheap then hard.

Eventually I encountered the giant cloud monster, which isn't a cloud at all. It's named Clotho and I think I counted 10 tits on the thing. It's a very rotund Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man type thing. I assume this is the third sister. It's obviously female, but I see no family resemblance. Overall Clotho isn't hard. Her attacks don't cause much damage and she loves to broadcast them. What makes Clotho annoying is the puzzle solving that's involved. There's a lot of dodging arms and pinning them in traps. Pushing objects, pulling levers all the way up the scaffolding. At this point it's tedious work. It's pretty obvious that I'm near the end of the game and all I want to do is reach the final boss not this fat stupid thing.

When I finally reached Clotho's head that's when the real fight begins but the same rules apply. I have to figure out a puzzle and that's how Kratos really beats her. There's some lever that needs to be moved to the correct position for a pully to bring up a pendulum and the penulum then needs to be placed inside Clotho's head. This fight can go really fast if you know what you're doing. The problem was that I wasn't looking for a lever and I certainly wasn't looking for a climbable wall so I could destroy an obstacle that was blocking the lever. For me, this fight seemed to take forever.

Anyways fat thing goes down and it's off to the final switch. Actually throwing the switch only brings up these threads of fate. One of them is Kratos' and it needs to be found so Kratos can go back in time. The threads are back where Kratos fought Clotho. So I had to backtrack, find the right thread ( I really hope this is random for every playthrough), rush back to where the final switch is at (there's a 30 second timer), and jump through a mirror. This means that if you run out of time you have to backtrack to the threads and do it all over again.

Kratos appears at the moment that Zeus stabbed him with the Blade of Olympus. Just to note, Zeus accuses the Sister of Fate of helping Kratos. Kratos states that the Sisters are dead, destroyed, no more, or something along those lines. I guess that takes care of any time paradoxes.

Next time: Kratos vs Zeus and final thoughts.

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