Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

God of War II - Feels Like I'm Wandering

I had this horrifying revelation today. I've been wandering around, going to all these unique locations and it dawned on me that I'm actually still on that stupid island that the Pegasus dropped me off at. I thought I was making progress (and I actually am) but in the end I'm not going anywhere. But now that I think about it the last game really did the same thing. You had your tutorial level (Aegean Sea/ City of Rhodes), the warm-up area (Athens/ The Titan Ice Cave) and the area you wandered around forever (Temple of Pandora/ Island of Creation). So far we're par for the course.

It's just a bit of a shock that all of this is still the same island. This island actually feels huge. It has a large variety of scenery and many various locations. I'm having a good time on it even though today's playtime didn't feel that productive. I did take out another boss (apparently I've completed Boss Batch 2, so says the trophy). There are many more bosses in this game then God of War I.

Before I get to the boss fight I want to talk about this vine puzzle I encountered. I got to a point where some guy is yelling for help and in typical God of War fashion you have to ignore him. Gameplay will naturally take you to this guy, but it feels odd to have someone yelling and have no clue if you should stay in the area or if you're supposed to leave. The good thing about these games is that you can't seem to skip anything. The game will guide you where you need to go eventually, but it may be a little confusing on how to get there.

Now on my way to find this guy I came to an overlook where I could see the giant horses and there was a fate statue next to me. I had no idea what to do. I jumped off the cliff a few times, tried going backwards a few times before I realized that there was this "knot" that I was supposed to press and this would cause some vines to grow. You then need to slow down time so you can run across the vines. This is actually a really neat puzzle, especially since you have to run across the vines while they're receding back into their holes. There is one big problem with this puzzle, there is no setup for this. You've never seen this type of puzzle before and there's no clue what you should be doing. That's why I jumped off the ledge, I was trying different things to figure out how to continue. I found the vine-growing-knot on accident. If I hadn't stumbled across it who knows how many times I might have died or if I would have to go to a walkthrough again for help.

Thankfully I made it through and eventually found the guy who was yelling for help. It was Perseus from the Clash of the Titans. I saw the old movie when I was young and I've never seen the newer version so I don't remember his story, but I believe he kills Medusa. Not that the God of War series stays true to any Greek mythology. The series really does like to name drop.

Perseus decides to fight Kratos thinking he's some test sent by the Sisters of Fate. Perseus is a moron, but the fight is fun. I think having to fight Perseus in the water made the first half of the fight way to easy. Perseus puts on some magical helmet and turns invisible, but it's not hard to figure our where he is since you're fighting in water. Eventually Kratos crushes Perseus' magical helmet and now Perseus stays visible. You battle it out until the end of the fight where Kratos throws Perseus threw a wall and Perseus gets impaled on some hook thing. It's fairly standard stuff for God of War at this point. Fun fight though. Perseus comes off as a smug idiot so I couldn't wait to smash his face in. His death scene didn't disappoint. It's also funny that throwing Perseus threw the wall created an opening to escape his prison.

Immediately after the fight you get to solve a puzzle where there's another giant statue shooting eye beams that block Kratos' path. I only mention this puzzle because it makes you think about your gear. There is only one movable statue so you can only block one eye with it. The second eye you must you the golden fleece to block. Brilliant! It actually makes you use your gear in a unique way. I found that very cool.

In the next area I received the Spear of Destiny. Now I know of the Spear of Destiny from Christianity and the Evangelion series. I had no idea there was one in Greek mythology and that it would be impaled in the gryphon thing that I killed earlier. It just seems like a weapon called the Spear of Destiny would be in the hands of someone stronger. So far he spears seems like a decent weapon, but I haven't had much time with it.

Next time: Across some ruins and one step closer to the Sisters of Fate.

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