Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Friday, February 4, 2011

God of War II - What's an Euryale?

Here Kratos stands at the Temple of Euryale. I had determined that I needed to go to to the right since the front door turns you to stone and the left side has a locked gate. Guess what's on the right side of the Temple? The key that you need for the left side of the Temple! Really this is not very thought out right here which is sad, since this place has some really unique puzzles in it. Puzzles that I like and that were fun to solve. You literally have to run to the right just to turn around and run back to the left. You also encounter grappling in here. This is very much like just hooking onto a normal swing point, except you spin in a circle. I don't quite see the point in it, but it's kind of fun to do.

I mentioned the puzzles in the Temple and there really are some interesting ones. My personal favorite has to be the one where I had to drop a corpse on a river and let it flow in a circle so I could pick it up on the other side. It felt natural to do this. All the clues were laid out before me and I just had to piece it together. Didn't take long and it had me going "Wow, that's pretty inventive."

There's one that had to do with a rocking ledge where you had to place two statues on it to cause it to tip. This allowed Kratos, being the brute that he is, to dislodge the ledge and create a new path. This lead to the a fairly brutal, yet simple puzzle where Kratos had to drop an injured soldier on a conveyor belt so that the soldier would jam the thing up allowing Kratos to pass through. Kratos is quite the guy.

This is where you technically encounter Jason of Jason and the Argonauts fame. Jason was on a quest to recover the golden fleece. That's about all of  Jason's story I can remember. Now I say "technically" because Jason is dead and his arm is dangling in the mouth of a Cerberus. Turns out this arm has the fleece attached to it. Also this is the old style of Cerberus from the last game.Neat!  Made me nervous that little Cerberuses were going to show up and start evolving, but thankfully that doesn't happen. During the fight the Cerberus swallows the arm and during Kratos brutal finishing move, Kratos reaches down the dog's throat and pulls the arm back out. Kratos then attaches the fleece to his arm, conveniently the fleece looks like armor and it happens to be a perfect fit for Kratos.

The fleece reflects attacks. I know what it does because when Kratos put the fleece on a tutorial message appeared and told me what it does. Then, in a voice-over, Gaia also tells me what it does. This happens every single time. Not only do I get a tutorial I also get a lecture on how to use my new gear. I don't need both, just one will suffice thank you very much. The fleece actually seems to absorb an attack and then channels the energy into a new attack. This allows me to freeze gorgons, which is a first in the series.

The fleece allows me through the front door of the temple so there is some limited backtracking. The nice thing about backtracking in this game is that they always try to find a way to shorten the trip. This is very good on the development teams part. Once in the temple I have various other traps and puzzles to overcome but I'm starting to feel confused. I get the impression that I'm on my way to kill Medusa, but I killed Medusa in the first game. So I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pull this off or if the team just said "screw it" and they brought Medusa back to life.

Turns out the answer is that I get to fight a really fat gorgon with her fat boobs hanging out named Euryale. Oh. so that's what a Euryale is. Euryale falls into the category of annoying boss fight. Largely because she has an instant death attack against you. Euryale will climb pillars and send out shockwaves of that stone beam that gorgons use. Normally I would just jump over it, but occasionally I would jump to late, get turned to stone, and smash into the ground shattering into a thousand pieces. Lame, but at least it's consistent with the rest of the gorgon's in the game. You could just get turned to stone and shake out of it. There's normally enough time.

When Euryale dies Kratos rips her head off and you get the gorgon freezing power again. Hooray? I didn't really use the power that much in the last game and the mechanics seems the same in this game. I doubt it will be my new favorite power. Kinda like the Barbarian Hammer I got. I don't like the thing. It's slow, clumsy, and I can't roll with it. I need to roll, that's how I survive.

Next time: Kratos has a very fat gorgon head and he just might use it. Seriously, this thing is at least three times the size of Medusa's head, maybe even 5 times.

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