Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God of War II - Of Zeus and Giant Horses

Zeus backstory goes something along the lines that all of the Gods of Olympus were the children of Cronos, except for the ones that are Zeus' kids. I'm no Greek scholar so no getting mad if I'm wrong. Anyways, it was foretold that Cronos' children would overthrow him. To prevent this Cronos ate all of his kids and kept them in his belly. But Cronos' wife, Rhea, tricked Cronos so that her youngest son Zeus might live. Cronos swallowed a rock thinking it was Zeus. Zeus was taken away to safety where he was raised by the Titan Gaia. Gaia encouraged Zeus desire to rescue his siblings, but she did not expect Zeus to come after all of the Titans, just Cronos. And so the prophecy was fulfilled.

Now when you see Rhea who looks like a normal human and Cronos who is this giant elemental monster you just have to wonder, how does this relationship work? If I read this right Zeus had two brothers (Poseidon and Hades) and two sisters (Hera and Demeter). If you include Zeus, that means Rhea and Cronos had five kids together. I really do not see this happening. It just seems way to painful on her part. But that's Zeus' backstory.

Going back to the cutscene where Zeus killed Kratos, Zeus mentioned that the cycle must end and he called Kratos son. Does this mean that Kratos is Zeus' literal son and Zeus wants to keep Kratos from overthrowing him like Zeus did to Cronos? Probably.

Back to the gameplay. Kratos just killed a new breed of Cerberus. At this point the level is fairly straight forward (at least I didn't get lost or have to look at Gamefaqs). I continued through the level until I came across some giant horses. These horses were a gift from Cronos to the Sisters of Fate. Cronos was hoping that the Sisters of Fate would alter Cronos' future so he could avoid his fate. Similar to Kratos wanting to change his past.

Here we meet Theseus. Theseus is the keeper of these giant horses and he has a key that Kratos needs to continue. Apparently Kratos and Theseus know each other and they don't really seem to like each other. Theseus won't give Kratos the key so a boss fight occurs. Theseus isn't that hard of a fight. I unleashed the Wrath of the Titans on him and he didn't seem to like that very much. Theseus jumps on top of a giant door and throws lightning (at least I think it's lightning) and calls up giant spikes from the ground. Kratos needs to shoot him with his bow. Thankfully Theseus also summons minotaurs to the fight. Minotaurs are a fairly easy fight so Kratos gets lots of health and these minotaurs drop magic orbs so you can keep using your bow.

Eventually Theseus falls. Kratos then stabs Theseus with his own giant spear thing and then proceeds to slam Theseus' head in a door repeatedly. It's pretty brutal. Makes me glad I'm not Theseus. But for a boss fight this wasn't bad. Theseus mixes things up a good bit and making use of the bow was a nice touch. It seemed a little to easy to restore health and magic which took away some of the danger from the fight. But I had fun.

I ran through the horses until I encountered a memory of Cronos. Apparently Cronos left this memory behind for Kratos. Kratos receives a new magic attack. He can lay lighting orbs on the ground and these orbs zap anything near them. I got a 500 hit combo from these things so I highly recommend them. At least from my limited exposure.

Continuing through the giant horses I came upon a lever puzzle. There were four levers and when I pulled one a small lock opened. I had to reach the lock before it closed. It wasn't hard. First you have to do the two levers in the middle, followed by the two levers on the outside. Then you get to whip the stone horses to make them move. The whipping part had me laughing because whipping stone horses seems very silly to me. But the stone horses begin to move and pull the two island chunks together. Now I just have to backtrack and make it to the second half of the island. Hopefully the backtracking will somehow be made interesting.

Can someone tell me why there was one lone guard standing in front of the giant chain that leads back to the island? It was really stupid for him to even be there. He wasn't a challenge, more like a waste of time.

Next time: The second half of the island I guess.

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