Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - They're All The Same

I've started to notice that it doesn't matter what team I take into a level. Most of the characters feel like copies of each other. Sure there are some varying movesets but nothing that really stands out. I can walk into an area with a team full of DPS characters and do just fine. I don't need my Tanks, or my Range attackers. Because everyone actually feels like everything. It's ridiculous. Couldn't they at least try to make the characters feel more individual? And who the hell is my healer?! This is seriously starting to irk me.

So after Von Bardas explodes for the second time you're off to Washington D.C. to try to convince Congress not to pass the Superhero Registration Act. The funny things is that Super Villains have also heard of the Act and they want it passed, so they attack Washington. Or at least Titanium Man does. I was going to post a link to Titanium Man but the Marvel.com listing for Titanium Man looks nothing like the guy in the game. Go figure. Titanium Man captures two Senators and it's up to you to save them.

There are some great moments in here. Deadpool shows his masked face. Apparently he was in D.C. for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Go figure. Deadpool loves to break the fourth wall and he does so about 10 seconds after he shows up. He directly address the player about how enjoying the Cherry Blossom Festival doesn't make him less manly. There's a boss battle against Deadpool, it's fairly simple as most of the boss battles are. Afterwords Deadpool will join your party as a temporary NPC.

You continue your chase after the Senators eventually running across Titanium Man. Boss battle time. This is really just round 1 vs Titanium Man and he's really a push over at this point. A strong fusion blast sent him packing. I have a feeling that I should be playing on a harder difficulty. I still don't know what difficulty I'm on.

When Titanium Man flees you successfully rescue Stan Lee, or Senator Leeman or something along those lines. I always find it fun to spot Stan Lee hiding in every Marvel movie. It's great to see him slipping into the video games like this too. Also, if Wolverine is your main character during this scene Stan will call him a canucklehead. Great stuff.

At this point Deadpool stops being an NPC and becomes a fully playable character. During my last playthrough Deadpool became a mainstay for my party. This guy is pretty broken as far as his powers are concerned. He's not overly powerful per-say, but he's great at hit and run tactics. Add his self-healing ability and you have a character who can survive any fight. I'll cover more on him later.

You make your way to the Lincoln Memorial and it's straight to round 2 versus Titanium Man. Boy that level seemed short. Titanium Man is harder this time round, especially when he starts dropping turrets. The turrets need to be taken out in short order or they can cause massive damage to your team. Titanium Man will also turn invisible. Taking down Titanium Man takes time and a small amount of planning. But eventually he goes down declaring that he's done his job and the Act will now pass.

Cue cutscene. Tony Stark is addressing Congress trying to convince them not to pass the Act. Afterwords there's a conversation between Tony and Capt. America. Turns out that Tony isn't fully against the Act, but Cap won't hear of it. He finds the Act to be very un-American and he'll fight it, even if he has to go underground to do it.

Ever head of the New Warriors? I haven't. Apparently they're a superhero team that stars in a reality TV show. The New Warriors are chasing down some villains I'm not familiar with when things go very wrong. One of the villains (guy named Nitro) causes a massive explosion that kills around 600 people. Apparently this fight happened near a school so the tragedy is expounded. Needless to say this event causes the Superhero Registration Act to be rushed through both the House and the Senate. The Act has been passed. Once again reality TV does it's best to destroy our society.

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