Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Heavenly Sword - It's All About Kai

Well that's not completely true. It's really 90 - 95% about Kai. Nariko is around, just not for much of the Chapter. We do get to learn a little bit about Kai's backstory, but I have to admit that I was underwhelmed by the reveal.

Since the last Chapter ended with Nariko being captured you get to play as Kai for the majority of Chapter 3. Kai is mobile now so you can actually run around the level. Kai's main weapon is still that super-powered crossbow thing of hers. Playing as Kai sets up a different change of pace that's partially a breath of fresh air and partially annoying. Then again, that's the way this game seems to work. It likes to teeter on the verge of greatness.

Most of the Chapter deals with enemies running at Kai from long distances or standing on far away ledges. Both options gives Kai a chance to use her bow efficiently and if enemies get to close, Kai has some options. First Kai can jump over obstacles. She can't just jump whenever she wants, but if you run up to a pile of debris Kai will vault it allowing you to put distance between you and the enemy. Second is that Kai can grab a close enemy and momentarily stun them, again. allowing her to get away. So Kai play pretty defensively.

Kai's first goal is to find Nariko. Upon doing so Nariko begs Kai to recover the Heavenly Sword for her. Since learning about her father Nariko now feels all alone. Kai understands, apparently she was alone at some point in time. She was so hungry that she ate cockroaches to survive. That's just nasty. It wasn't until Nariko found her that Kai had a home again. So Kai decides to help Nariko, if only so Nariko won't be alone.

There are some massive shooting sections in here and I had no idea that this game was a cover shooter. Kai has to hide behind walls and such to avoid getting turned into a pincushion by the large amount of archers that appear. It's great since the cover will slowly deteriorate forcing you to move. Kai can also light her arrows on fire by shooting them through flames. A flaming arrow can then be used to ignite red barrels for some pretty sweet explosions.

It's really the end of the Chapter that makes no sense to me. Kai can't reach the armory where the sword is kept without a password. To get the password Kai has to talk to the Captain in the West Tower. She's very politely given the basic instructions. So when guards come in to try to kill her I'm not expecting it.

Getting the password is actually kinda fun. First the Captain hides in a room full of fireworks. Kai has to pull off a flaming arrow shot into the building to set off the fireworks that amazingly enough don't kill the Captain. The Captain then refuses to give Kai the password until she threatens to shoot him in his weak spot (crotch) for "MASSIVE DAMAGE!" Her words, not mine. Turns out the password is monkey-peaches.

Kai gives the password to the guard to the armory who then starts yelling "Intruder Alert!" But he was only kidding. Once through the door it's a long gondola ride to the armory. Consider this Kai's big boss fight section. I'm guessing the guard actually did sound the intruder alert because a scores of guards start appearing and shooting Kai while she's in the gondola. Take out what you can and quickly because they will slowly destroy the gondola. Eventually Kai ends up hanging upside down on the gondola remains, still shooting at guards to reach her destination. The armory.

I would call the armory more of a trophy room. Kai grabs the sword, but then she notices a body. Yes, a body in the armory. Turns out the body is Kai's mom. Her mom tried to hide her when she was young. Someone was slaughtering their entire clan and Kai's mom wanted her to live. Guess who the culprit was that slaughtered her clan? It was the Stupid Peacock! AKA: Flying Fox. I lost all sympathy right there. Flying Fox is a moron. If he killed Kai's entire clan that means that natural selection actually got them. Flying Fox just happened to be in the same area.

So Stupid Peacock shows up in the armory. Kai doesn't fight him, she just runs away with the sword in tow. I'm curious where she went since the path she used to get to the armory (the gondola) was destroyed.

Meanwhile Nariko has to fight in some sort of deathmatch in an arena. First she has to fight her clansmen, but you can choose whether to kill them or just knock them out. Just watch your button prompts. I actually saved more then I killed.

Then you have to fight Roach's pets. You only fight one at first and it's a really easy fight. Keep in mind that Nariko is without the Heavenly Sword so she can't use her stances. Once that single pet goes down it looks like 6+ are then unleashed to kill her. After Nariko takes some hits Kai shows up with the sword. How the hell did Kai get there?! She was completely blocked off!

Kai then gives Nariko the sword and the fight becomes a lot easier, stances are back. King Bohan then orders Roach to kill Nariko and get back the sword. Considering the reveal that Kai had to live off of cockroaches I thought that Kai might have to fight Roach, but no, this is a Nariko battle. A very easy one too. Roach telegraphs every one of his attacks by about a mile. His easy to avoid and it's easy to cause him massive damage.

Now Roach worships his dad, King Bohan. King Bohan just uses Roach as muscle. So when Roach is losing Bohan taunts and insults his kid. Emotionally this crushes Roach who no longer has the will to fight. Nariko actually takes pity on Roach and chooses not to kill him. Nariko leaves the arena with the sword and the Chapter ends.

So I'm actually out to just kill a big bully. That's all Bohan is, a bully. He's not really a sadistic madman. He just likes to push people around to make himself feel big. I think this bully needs a swirly.

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