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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dragon Age II Demo - Fun Be Had Here

I downloaded the demo for Dragon Age II. Dragon Age: Origins is a game that I highly enjoyed. I found it was able to be a decent western-rpg without falling into the habit of having 500 sidequests that have nothing to do with the story. So I've been eagerly awaiting Dragon Age II. The demo for Dragon Age II lasts about an hour and a half and it was just lots of fun to play.

I initially rolled a female warrior. First off, I'm glad that the main character now has a voice and a personality. That's always been one of my biggest complaints with w-rpgs. The main character is normally a blank slate with 0 personality. NPCs would talk and my character would just stand there with a stupid look on his face. Sure I could choose the line where my character supposedly tells the NPC to go kill her husband or something like that, but there's no real personality attached to that. It just feels so empty.

Bioware apparently fixed this with Mass Effect and now they're bringing the same system over to Dragon Age. WOOT! I like how you now choose part of a line when the dialogue tree shows up and your character then says something along those lines. It's like you choose a topic and then the dialogue expands on that topic. It really is a great way to go.

Now playing as the warrior is very straight forward. There's lots of potential here, but I don't think the warrior really showed off her stuff. So after my first playthrough I rolled a male rogue. The rogue was a lot more fun. Jumping all over the place and that backstab ability is just viscious. I like how the rogue would just fall through the ground, pop up behind the enemy, stab them and then BOOM! the enemy would explode. Good stuff.

I'm really looking forward to picking this game up but I do have a dilemma. Games like this tend to have a lot of DLC, then a year later the game gets re-released with all of the DLC included on the disc. Dragon Age: Origins had it's Ultimate Edition and that really sucked if you had already spent money on the DLC. I find packs like this a big slap in the face to the people who supported the DLC. And Bioware isn't the only company to do this. I've seen it with Fallout 3, Borderlands, and Grand Theft Auto IV. So I really have to question, do I get the game now or do I wait the year and get it then?

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