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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Onward With The Lame Plot!

I finally beat the prison. Stupid level that it was. I was at the point where my characters had to run deep into the prison to turn the power back on so we could use the portal to leave. That's what we did, no other way to say it. We then turned around and left. There are some boss fights against some old bosses. Grim Reaper shows up, twice. The final battle to leave was at least a little interesting. You have to battle Whirlwind and I believe Moonstone. Whirlwind lives up to his name and spins like a tornado. I don't really know what Moonstone does, and I think Copperhead showed up as well, or was it Diamondback...I wasn't paying attention. Since I can find no reference of a Copperhead I will assume it was Diamondback.

Whirlwind is invincible while the other two are on the screen so he needs to be avoided. Thankfully the other two only show up one at a time making them easier to take down. There are basic grunts running around and that adds to the confusion. I just pounded them and hit them with targeted fusions until they went down. At least it felt like I had to try.

It was decided to destroy the prison to trap the Nanites in the Negative Zone. By the way, I've been calling them Nanonites, apparently it's just Nanites. My apologies. Turns out the Nanite injected bad guys are injecting everyone they can get their hands on and adding them to their network. Nick Fury agrees to stay behind and blow up the prison.

Everyone makes it out except for Fury. The portal closes and we have no idea what happened to him. Unless you understand how comic book logic works, then you know exactly what happened to him. Back at Nick Fury's secret base everyone is sorry for the war. There's a memorial service for people who might have died in the prison. Again, this is a comic book world, funerals for big named characters is pretty pointless.

Oddly enough the heroes aren't actively looking for signs of the Nanites. I guess they run a scan every few days or so. You see, the big-headed Mr. Fantastic (I mean that literally, his head is actually to big for his body in this game) claims they've seen no sign of the Nanites. He then proceeds to run a scan and much to his surprise there are thousands of Nanite signals. He's shocked. I'm personally wondering how these all showed up and no one noticed. I have to guess that no one was actively watching the Negative Zone "just in case".

So this is literally a massive surprise for everyone. The Nanites are infecting every human on the planet and it's estimated that in just under two years there won't be a free human left. Once again, this is a comic book world so world ending events aren't really all that unheard of. The heroes should just take this as another day on the job.

The team is sent to another fictional country named Wakanda, home of the Black Panther and the only place on earth to have a deposit of the fictional mineral called Vibranium. Cap's shield is made from this stuff. The Nanites are literally invading. They've sent in assault troops for crying out loud and they're being stopped by electric fences. These things are a sentient A.I., they shouldn't have problem hacking any computer system on the face of the planet. Electric fences should not pose a problem. Who wrote this crap?

Wakanda has a lot of odd backtracking in it. You seem to run in circles on a regular basis to get where you're going. There's what should have been a clever device in the Nanites using teleporters to bring troops in. It would have been a great way to overwhelm the player with enemies if they didn't shut them down quickly. Sadly the teleporters seem to spawn a certain number of troops and then stop working. I guess they didn't want you farming XP here.

I have a confession to make. I finally unlocked Hulk while wandering around Wakanda during this playthrough. I never unlocked him my first time through. Now I finally have everyone. Hulk's a good bruiser and his ground pound is easy to spam, plus it's great for crowd control. Not a big surprise that his alt. costume was Red Hulk. Glad I finally got him.

At the end of Wakanda you learn Nick Fury's fate. He's been infected with Nanites, big surprise. And he's now acting as their spokesperson. The Nanites have dubbed themselves "The Fold". Apparently some P.R. guy they infected suggested that a name would make them less threatening and that people might now willingly join them. I hope they fired their P.R. guy. He's a moron. At least they didn't call themselves "Legion". Is it wrong that I actually enjoyed the Ghost Rider movie?

Wakanda ends in a battle with Green Goblin and Venom again. This battle broke for me in the most fantastic of ways. Green Goblin got stuck in a wall. When he jumped off of his glider he apparently landed in a wall. I was killing goons for 15 minutes wondering when the fight would progress before I figured this out. Fight wasn't too hard after that. Every time Green Goblin showed back up he was back in the wall. Which meant I only had to worry about was Venom. Beating him requires banging some metal poles and causing soundwave. Symbiotes don't like high pitched sound. We've all watched the third Spider-Man movie, and hopefully we all regret it. I could then pound on Green Goblin whenever I felt like it and he couldn't touch me. Thanks wall!

Battle over. I'll talk about the miracle cure next time. For now we get to use Black Panther's palace as our newest base of operations. That's our third base this time round. There's only one more area left. Each arc of this game is broken into three levels. Prison 42 and Wakanda were the first two levels so next time they Heroes are going to pull a rabbit out of there butts and magically save the day. Go team.

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