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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Fight With Fury

I really don't think that a sentient A.I would really build fancy buildings. I personally believe that they would build structures that are far more efficient and they wouldn't worry about style. Apparently The Fold defy my beliefs. Their buildings are fancy and meandering. I get that the designers wanted to give The Fold their own style, but I just would have gone with an "efficient" look over a "stylized" look.

You're off to Iceland for the final mission of the game. The Fold have been building giant broadcast towers all over the world to spread their signal and keep in touch with each other. The Heroes have found one tower where the Nanites shutdown signal can be activated from and then have it affect the rest of the towers. I also find it hard to believe that the Nanites haven't deactivated or in some way circumvented this signal, making it obsolete. But the Heroes need a last ditch effort and this is it.

During the level you find that the Tinkerer willingly joined The Fold. I can believe that angle. What I can't believe is that The Fold is allowing him to keep his free will. Again, I think The Fold would just download his brain to everyone on the network and have nearly 6 billion geniuses working for it. Instead The Fold has just the Tinkerer working on some new technology for them. It's pretty laughable at this point.

Most of the level is fighting super powered Fold controlled people, nothing overly complicated. You end up fighting a lot of the old bosses again. There's a battle against She-Hulk, Wonder Man, Firestar, Colossus, and Whirlwind that I can remember. The rest of the level maintains the straight-forwardness that the entire game has had. Nothing surprising or special.

There's a boss fight against the Tinkerer, and this fight is just badly silly and feeling very recycled. The Fold have developed cyborgs for the lack of a better term. They can be tough fights, each one has a large health bar and fairly solid defense. Tinkerer uses two of these guys to place a shield around him. You can't hurt him until the shield goes down, which means taking the cyborgs down first, similar to deactivating Von Bardas' shield back at the beginning of the game.Once they go down you get to happily beat the snot out of Tinkerer and he just lays their and takes it. Some grunts show up to make things a little more complicated but it's nothing you can't handle.

Tinkerer runs away and you get to ride a long elevator up. This makes me think the game is more of a Beat-'Em-Up then an RPG. Beat-'Em-Ups love elevator levels where mass waves of enemies assault you. And that's exactly what this is. Look at it as the gauntlet before the final boss. It's actually pretty fun and I got to really unleash my characters with some major crowd clearing.

At the top of the elevator your team is final able to activate the Nanite deactivation signal. You have to survive one minute against a very massive wave of enemies. Time to break the game. If you use your fusions everything slows down except for the minute timer. You can easily burn a few seconds and score massive takedowns. Once the minute expires all the Nanites drop and it would seem that the mission is accomplished.

But you still need a final battle. The Tinkerer fight was lame so that couldn't be it. Nope, instead you get to fight Nick Fury. Fury is now a cyborg and he's channeling powers from various superheroes. He's a long fight that you occasionally have to complete certain tricks on to succeed. Most of his attacks aren't hard to avoid. You just need to pay attention. Keep on him and Fury will go down.

It was a disappointing fight. Fury's attacks are not really all that hard to avoid. Generally you just have run around him and he gives you plenty of time for that. I wished that he had been more interesting, maybe combining powers into his own fusions. Instead he could only use one attack at a time, unless he split himself, then each Fury could use a unique power. Oddly enough, I had no background music while fighting him. I'll put that down as a bug.

With Fury down the Nanites go down. The Super-Human Registraion Act is amended so heroes don't have to join and they don't have to reveal their secret identities. They also can't forcibly be deployed to war zones and what-not. Basically the act becomes pointless, they should have just repealed the thing and called it a day. Iron Man and Captain America make up, Fury's body is returned to normal and Iron Man becomes commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. Like the guy doesn't already have enough to do. And that's how it ends.

I do recommend sticking around for the credits though. There's a great audio piece where The Hulk does an on-air radio interview that I highly recommend.

Once the credits are over you're placed back in Black Panther's Palace. There's an audio log from The Hulk again. I highly recommend listening to this one too. These two audio pieces have to be the best thing in the entire game. You can then start a new game plus, so all of your old levels and discovered items are carried over. Turns out I just beat Heroic mode, I created a new save file on Legendary that I may or may not get to at some point in the future.

I'm going to write my final thoughts on the game later. There's a lot to be discussed so I may start playing something else before I get to it.

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