Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

To Dream A Dream

I have a dream! But then again, who doesn’t? But my dream is not a simple dream. I want to start my own video game company. I’ve wanted to do this for many, many years now. I just lack the knowledge of how to go about it. But I feel that my time is coming. In the meantime I will discuss a fan concept that I have.

Now I do enjoy the Dynasty Warriors series. Yes I can agree with most people that it can really use some shaking up to the current formula. But that’s not the point. I enjoy the massive cast of characters and the unique personalities that they bring. So I’ve decided that I want to do a cross-over series with characters from various action games.

The game would include characters like Kratos, Dante, Bayonetta, and many others from the action game category or characters with enough animations to make a valid moveset off of. For me, this game would be awesome. Giant, sweeping, epic battles were the characters take down thousands of enemy troops. Except for Batman, he wouldn’t kill them, just knock them all unconscious.

Still it would be a uber-geek fight fest. No it wouldn’t answer the question between who would win between Kratos and Dante. That would depend upon player skill. But it would be exciting to see these characters fighting side-by-side. Or against each other, that could be fun too. Maybe create some epic rivalries out of it.

There is a lot of potential for a game like this. I really wish I had the skills to put it together. But since it would be a PS3 game then it would require a fairly decent team to rip the models (if that’s even possible), build a working engine, combat system, build levels, set up lighting and many, many other tasks.

Still, I can dream. And I will continue to dream and maybe one day my dream could come true. That would sure be nice.

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