Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Breaking Up Chapter X (Part 2)

I meant to have this up a few days ago. I've been busy. I wish it was a good busy, but unfortunately it is a bad type of busy that has kept me away. I have few moments right now so I will go ahead and finish off Chapter X.

There are two more sections to Chapter X, The Fire Cemetery and the Crematory Oven. Both are pretty short, but the second area is far more fun to play in. The Fire Cemetery has another Chupacabra in it and I believe I've made my dislike of Chupacabra's fairly well known by now. Once again this one steals your magic and relics but then he does something a little bit different. He up and locks himself in a cage, that stupid little shrimp. Unlocking the cage becomes the goal of this level.

I actually like this puzzle. It's fairly simple, but at the same time it makes you think. I just wish it didn't have to deal with a Chupacabra. Thankfully the only enemies you deal with are zombies and they are quick kills so no major worries. Just know that solving the puzzle involves aiming one pillar at the other two pillars. I thought it was crafty. I just wish that I was allowed to kill the Cupacabra but they always disappear into a puff of smoke.

There's a second puzzle right after this one, but first you have to slay a horde of Zombies. I think there is around a hundred Zombies that spawn here. Go nuts and have fun. Zombies are easy to kill so unleash some of your inner aggravation about Chupacabras. I know I did. The puzzle involves two gongs that need to be rung at the same time. Punch - Dash - Punch, do it quick enough and the door opens. Took me a few tries.

The next area is the battle against the Gravedigger. No, not the monster truck or the lame villain from the TV series Bones, but some giant squid face who digs graves or something. There's a small group of enemies that Gabriel has to clear through to get to this guy. It felt like a wasted effort to run Gabriel through a gauntlet since he can heal and restore magic right before the actual fight. I don't mind enemies before actually encountering the boss but their purpose is to weaken the player. This should make the boss fight a little harder. If the player can heal then this has failed in its purpose.

The Gravedigger himself is a simple battle overall but with a little twist. When the Gravedigger reaches the point where Gabriel can QTE-kill the guy it proves really easy to screw it up. I know, I had to retry this 4 times until I finally got it right. There are these large doors behind the Gravedigger that have to be opened before you try the QTE. I failed to notice this and if the doors aren't open then Gabriel will automatically fail the QTE and the fight will continue. If you do this right then the Gravedigger falls into a pool of lava and dies. But not until after he tries to drag Gabriel down with him.

Of course Gabriel will survive this and he will be stuck in a hole that he has to climb out of. It's simple enough to do as long as the game doesn't break on you. I had a problem where Gabriel wouldn't grab a hold of platforms. This caused Gabriel to die once because he just hit a wall and fell into the lava below. He didn't even try to save himself. Once he respawned I had no problem clearing the level. Just thought it was something worth mentioning.

Next time is Chapter XI. Hopefully I can have something up for it later tonight or early tomorrow. No promises though.

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