Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - This Is For Love!

Bet you were wondering where my last play session was.

So I moved in to the Lens Changing Room in Chapter VII. You may remember that I stated I had been stuck in this room during my last playthrough. Well I finally figured it out. Gabriel has this move where he can shoulder rush things when he’s using his Shadow Magic. I thought this move was only for breaking down walls and such.  It doesn’t seem like it would be much help during combat since it takes a moment to charge. It turns out that this move is extremely important in this section.

You have this giant contraption that has a spot for three different colored lenses. As you use these lenses doors open. Each door has the same basic puzzle. There are sections of floor with arrows on it. You have to stand on the starting point and use the shoulder rush move to dash across the arrows. This lights them up. Complete the whole puzzle quickly enough and you’re done. Not exactly a complicated puzzle but it makes me think about the moves Gabriel has that I take for granted.

That’s really how this room works. You repeat this simple process until you have completed every room. There is one room that doesn’t have a puzzle but it does have a Gem in it. You might also activate two Animated Armors. These guys are never tough so I purposefully took them on. The final door though leads to a pseudo-boss fight. The little vampire girl, Laura, show up and she accuses you of cheating , that she never loses and since she lost you must have cheated. She didn’t seem that pissed off when I last saw her. But she’s pretty pissed this time. She calls in three stupid doll enemies that Gabriel has to fight. They tend to lean towards annoying more than hard. Following basic combat rules worked pretty well.

Now Laura’s mad that you broke her toys. What did she think was going to happen? In retaliation she goes all Sith Lord on Gabriel and blasts Gabriel with lightning. This scene got my hopes up. For just a brief moment I thought we were going to see Gabriel truly get mad. Patrick Stewart keeps saying that Gabriel is full of anger and has no room for mercy, but we never see that. Instead the scene goes the other way, Gabriel is ready to give up and die. At least he’s showing some sort of emotion.

Yes Gabriel wants to call it quits, but Marie (his dead wife) shows up and tells him to keep on. Fight the good fight and all of that. Laura can see Marie and the feelings between Gabriel and Marie are able to reach her. She actually feels pity, envy, loss, perhaps all of those things. Laura is an immortal little girl. She never gets those types of things anymore. It would probably be a more touching scene if we knew Gabriel a little better. Laura decides to let Gabriel live. This would be nice but she shocked the poor guy into an irregular heartbeat! How is she going to fix this? She’s not? We’re just going to skip right over it? Fine, be that way. Let’s go the Chapter VIII (8).

When I hit Chapter VIII I finally realized that I was climbing a giant castle. Yes it took me this long to figure it out. I also keep wondering where Dracula is? This seems like the kind of place that he would be hiding in. Most Castlevania games have the protagonist climbing through Dracula’s castle to reach him. But I know Dracula isn’t the final goal in this castle, Carmilla is. So I continue the long climb.

Early on in this section there is a fight which involves Vampires and Skeletons. I was horrified by this concept. There is no way I was going to try to fight my way through that. Instead I pulled out my crystal so I could bypass the fight. I’ve been using my crystal a lot recently. It helps that it can be restored pretty quickly.

The rest of the level is just running along a giant chain that looks like it’s connected to a fish. As I run along I keep wishing that this was Dracula’s castle. I keep hoping that I’m moving closer to the tower where he resides. Instead I just keep running towards Carmilla and Gabriel is supposedly filled with hate. Can’t always get what we want.

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