Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Mysterious Message

I logged in to the PlayStation Network the other day and found I had received a message. My friends list isn’t very long and I noticed that none of them had been online in a few days. So I was wondering who this message was from? I play most nights so I should have noticed a message if it had come through earlier. So I went to check it out.

Now here is where I wish I could take screenshots from my PS3. The message came from Sony. A few months ago they had a ‘Choose the Best Game on the PlayStation Network’ thing going on. I don’t fully remember the choices, but I know that Scott Pilgrim, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, and Castle Crashers were on there. There was a 4th, but I can’t remember.

Now I only voted for a game that I had played. I have both Scott Pilgrim and Pac-Man. Love them both, so this was a hard choice. I eventually went with Scott Pilgrim because I love everything Scott Pilgrim. The movie was awesome and if you didn’t see you have done yourself a massive injustice, which is unacceptable. You need to immediately rectify this. The comics are very well done and you need to go out and read them too. So I made my choice and I was happy. Scott Pilgrim didn’t win though. I think it was Castle Crashers that did. Oh well.

What does this have to do with this mysterious message from Sony I received? Well, Sony was saying “Thank you for voting.” It was a little late, but still a nice gesture. But then they offered me 30% off of Scott Pilgrim and the Knives Chau add-on pack, since I had voted for Scott Pilgrim. Huh.

Let’s go back two paragraphs and look at how I voted. The key is that I made sure I had played the game. This is important to making an informed decision. Now how did I play these games you may ask? It wasn’t from a demo that’s for sure. Demos only give you a small taste of the game. No, I had purchased these games. I have full ownership over them.

Do you see the problem? Sony just gave me a discount that I have no use for. I own Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. I already have the Knives Chau add-on pack. So, thanks Sony. It doesn’t actually do anything for me, not in the slightest. I can’t pass it on to anyone else either. I really don’t understand this.

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