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This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Carmilla

Boy Carmilla has come a long ways since her original creation. Carmilla was originally created by the Irish writer Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu in 1872, which predated Dracula by 25 years. She wasn't presented as any sort of Vampire lord at the time. In the original novel she was just a mysterious young woman who befriend other young women. She would live with them and during the night she would drain their blood. It was a fairly simple tale but captivating.

Well here we are 139 laters and Carmilla has done pretty well for herself. She is now Lord of the Vampires. This still leaves me wondering where Dracula is in the grand scheme of things. I am starting to get a suspicion, but that will have to be saved for another time. I think she's supposed to be displayed at sexy, but I found her rather unattractive looking. Maybe it was the inhuman eyes. Or that there was no subtlety to her sexuality. It was pretty blatantly obvious from the moment you met her.

Carmilla initially tries to seduce Gabriel. She offers him treasures, pleasures, power, and immortality. The things that a Vampire typically offers. Gabriel will, of course, have none of that. So Carmilla tries a different tactic. She tells Gabriel that he is on a fools errand. The God Mask cannot resurrect the dead. Surprisingly, this is the first time anyone has mentioned that the hoped for resurrection might not work or that it might even be a bad idea to try. I mean, how often does this sort of thing actually work out the way you want it to? Carmilla's is trying to destroy Gabriel's hope and since hope is pretty useless anyways (just ask Kratos) she is obviously wasting her time. So get ready for the weakest, lamest boss fight I have yet to encounter.

Round 1. Carmilla summons normal Vampires while she hides in a protective shield and occassonally throws lightning at Gabriel. I don't know when Vampires learned to be all Sith Lord-like and started throwing around lightning. But if I think about it, Dracula used lightning on a regular basis in the older games, so I will let is slide since there is precedence for it. The round is lame. Vampires are pretty easy enemies especially if you are nailing them with holy water and since Vampires drop holy water you should find yourself with a pretty nice supply of the stuff. Go nuts, this round is a cake walk.

Now the last Lord of Shadow, Cornell, also had an easy first round. Then he transformed and things got tough. Carmilla gets half of this right. She transforms and while Cornell was a cool looking Werewolf, Carmilla is a lame looking Vampire. She has a very anorexic look and I just can't take that seriously. She's also an almost boringly easy fight. I was kind of shocked by how easy she was. Her attacks are fairly limited, easy to predict and easy to dodge. I never had to work during this fight. I was almost always getting neutral orbs so I always had full health.

I don't think I need to provide any more description of Carmilla than that. She has a third round, but it is even easier than the second. Get ready for her for death though. That is a really long, drawn out scene and very cool at the same time. Just be ready for the Quick Time moments, you don't want to repeat this event. It is way too cool to have to do it twice.

With the boring Carmilla dead Gabriel acquires the second half of the God Mask. Pan shows up and Gabriel gets to vent some steam for a moment. He's pretty peeved that the Lords of Shadow are the original founders of the Holy Order and that he has to kill them.It was nice to see some genuine emotion on Gabriel's face for a moment. It didn't last long enough however. Quickly Pan sends Gabriel on his way after the 3rd Lord of Shadow. I wonder who that will be?

And supposedly there will be some questions answered here too.

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