Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - And Zobek Came Back The Very Next Day

Okay, now where was I? It has been a little while since I’ve pulled Castlevania out so I need to quickly re-orientate myself. But it’s ok because Patrick Stewart is here to tell me what is going on. This is great because I was feeling a little behind.

Chapter V. Gabriel has followed Zobek to the land of the vampires. First off this doesn’t make any sense. The only reason Gabriel would follow Zobek is because he doesn’t trust him to finish the task. This would have worked better if Zobek had been captured or if he had sent a message to Gabriel saying he needed help. Without those Gabriel should have skipped ahead to the third Lord of Shadow and then waited for Zobek to catch up, which would have made sense. I’m going to blame this on Pan though. He dropped Gabriel off at this location so that is the semi-plausible reason we have to work with.

The first area, The Veros Woods, is very straight forward. This actually would have been a nice little level if it hadn’t been for the Chupacabra. Chupacabras are not fun. I do not find their stupid little game of hide and seek enjoyable. I do not enjoy listening to their stupid Yoda speech while they are heckling you. If you’re curious how to catch this one, you have to use a fairy to distract it.

Next up is the town of Wygol. No, I don’t know who came up with the name but I kind of like it. The fact that a town survives in such a hostile area surprises me. I’m not talking about the bitter cold, I’m talking about the vampires. They should have ransacked this town ages ago and created a livestock-breeding program out of the remaining humans. That’s what I would do if I was a vampire.

This town is where we meet Zobek again. Apparently he failed in his quest because he was too busy crying over dead people in the graveyard. But that’s ok because Gabriel has shown up with all of his unbridled anger and fury to save the day. But first Zobek has to explain the current situation in the town. It has to do with the Abbot of the town barricading himself in the abbey and going insane, leaving the townspeople to fend for themselves. This actually aggravates Gabriel who finally shows some emotion at the cowardly act of the Abbot. Since Gabriel and Zobek need to get a relic from the abbey they have time to deal with the Abbot.

But first they have to kill some zombies. Fine, they call them Ghouls. It’s a pretty interesting section of combat actually. Ghouls will keep spawning unless you cover the hole that they are spawning from. This requires knocking statues down on top of the hole. It can be a little tricky and you have to most fast, the ghouls don’t give a lot time between waves. Overall I liked this area. It was also nice to see Zobek fighting alongside Gabriel. I’m still expecting his betrayal at some point though. We don’t know Zobek’s real motivation yet.
Then it is into the abbey to deal with the Abbot, but first you must get through his many traps. The traps are not hard if you have two fit and competent people running through the area. Sure a single person would probably get killed, but not two. This means that if the whole town had raided the abbey they would have been fine. We’re introduced to a new enemy, vampires. I would have to assume that Dracula is nearby then. No, he probably isn’t. Is he even in this game?

Again Zobek helps out so that makes life a little easier. I’m learning to love fairies. They nicely distract enemies and if I kill the enemy they are distracting they quickly move onto the next foe. The will keep doing this until their time runs out. That is cool by me. This allows me to easily fill up my combo meter and get magic orbs galore.

This part of the abbey isn’t hard, there’s a small puzzle involving a lever handle that Gabriel bizarrely calls a crowbar. I don’t understand why, but he does. I can see it being called a cross bar or something, that would at least make sense.

There’s a little light/teleporter puzzle in the second section of the level that was fun. It’s not a hard, it just involved pointing a compass at the correct side of the room, but I had fun with it. I don’t know if Zobek can die so I was a little nervous leaving him by himself for spurts at a time while I was off gathering collectibles. I also question if ghouls give xp every time you kill them and could I have used this location to farm some xp…

Those are thoughts for another day. I hoped I saved…

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