Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Prototype - Air Supply

So I have to amend my last post. If you try to fly off the island you do get a warning. It is very subtle and very easy to miss. There’s an aircraft carrier docked in the southern harbor. I thought I should go pay it a visit. Sadly I was shot down before I could get there and once Alex hit the water he started bouncing his way back to dry land.

I’ve always found their water mechanic to be interesting. I don’t know if Alex can swim, but it doesn’t matter. I’m just glad to know that he doesn’t drown the moment he hits the water. Instead Alex bounces right back out of the water. I like it. It works within the game and it isn’t cheap like most “I can’t swim!” deaths are.

Just one more mission again last night. I wonder why it seems like I only get through one mission per play session. It’s probably because I spend most of my game time running around killing people. The military has decided to release their antivirus toxin into the air of city (turns out it’s actually Manhattan) and Alex needs to stop them. There are 9 dispensers setup downtown that have to be destroyed.

I don’t know if I did this mission correctly or not. I stole a helicopter and destroyed the dispensers from the air. It was really simple. I never got caught, I was never in danger. I just sat in the air in my helicopter and played death from above. It didn’t make me happy and the mission wasn’t interesting. I kept hearing radio chatter from the military saying that they’re bringing in more forces, but I never saw proof of that. Being in the chopper also allowed me to avoid the poisonous effects of the gas so I didn’t have to worry about Alex being poisoned to death.

Once the mission was done I decided to infiltrate a military base. I located a base of my choice, took out their virus sensors and went looking for the commander to absorb. But the guy was nowhere to be found. I looked around the outside of the base for 10+ minutes trying to find this guy. Without the commander I can’t access the base. I eventually left, stole a tank and ran over a bunch of people. After driving around for another 10 minutes I went back to the base. Thankfully the commander had finally spawned, but the moron was stuck near the door.

I don’t get why this guy was so hard to find. You would think that if the commander died the game would know to spawn another one and to keep him in close vicinity to the base. I wasted a lot of time trying to find this guy. I kept stealth absorbing everyone on the base just for something to do. Oh well, at least I found him. I messed around in the base for a little and called it a night.

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