Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - Oh Shut Up Already!

Well, Chapter II is done. I have to say that I didn’t see these events occurring. Caught me completely off guard. But I can’t say I’m disappointed by the outcome.

First, Claudia needs Gabriel to gather a dark crystal for her. To do this you need four crystal shards. Sounds easy enough. Except that the stupid woman wouldn’t shut up the entire time I was looking for the shards. Yes I know that the shards grow in places that are purple, stop yelling at me! And since she’s a telepath she just talks directly to Gabriel’s mind so he can’t escape her. She is annoying, frustrating, and aggravating. Hey lady! Why don’t get your lazy butt off of your golem and help find a crystal already?! And don’t you dare yell at me when I’m fighting three Greater Lycans at the exact same time!

Once I had the complete crystal it was time to move on to the puzzle. It’s pretty obvious that it’s a ‘reflect lasers off of mirrors’ puzzle. But I don’t have to worry about figuring it out for myself since my wonderful companion just has to mention how “these statues can turn” or whatever. I found the puzzle in Pan’s temple to be more frustrating. Puzzle solved, onto next area.

It’s another Not-Colossus! I mean…Titan, yeah that’s it. Titan. This one throws rocks and apparently it’s a girl since Claudia feels the need to throw a female oriented vulgarity at it. Once again I don’t get to figure out how to fight this girl since Claudia is issuing commands during the fight. First she says “Stay away.” So I stay away and get hit. Nothing happens fight-wise so I run up to it. I get hit some more, Claudia yells “Get away from it”. I know Gabriel needs to climb the dumb thing but how does that part of the battle start? Claudia then yells to watch out for some rock the Titan has thrown, so I dodge it.

But it turns out that I wasn’t supposed to dodge that rock. I was supposed to grab the rock and throw it back. And I might have tried it if someone wasn’t yelling at me to “look out for the rock!” Geez, listening to her ramble on and give bad instructions was really infuriating. Either help me take the stupid Titan down or shut up. I prefer the second option.

Taking down the Titan is standard fair and kind of boring. What made Shadow of the Colossus work was the grip meter. If you didn’t let up of your grip eventually the character, Wander, would fall off. Gabriel has no limitations. He can hang on a Titan as long as he wants and that makes these fights pretty simple. Climbing around the thing until I reach its head Claudia decides Gabriel needs to destroy it by using the dark crystal. Odd, but it works so you both go off to take a nap.

During which Gabriel has a dream where he stabs the girl with a knife similar to the vision where he killed his wife in Pan’s temple.

Speaking of Pan he suddenly shows up. Boy I like the design of that guy. I need to find a picture. Pan tells Gabriel that he needs the black knight golem’s gauntlet. Gabriel refuses; he will not take the gauntlet since the girl needs the golem for protection. Actually she doesn’t, turns out that Gabriel actually stabbed her. It wasn’t just a dream! That should teach her to be a nag! I didn’t see this coming. I figured the girl would turn against Gabriel and try to prevent him from gaining the power of a God. Shows what I know.

Golem’s pissed. He conveniently throws Gabriel onto a circular platform-arena and that’s where the fight occurs. The golem is slow, boringly slow and most of his attacks are very easy to avoid.  The danger is that he hits hard. In the second half of the fight he calls little ooze piles to help him out. The ooze stops Gabriel in his tracks making it easier for the golem to hit him.

I’ll admit to dying in this fight, but it doesn’t really matter. There are three checkpoints during the battle and as long as you reach the next one you’re okay. Every time you take off a quarter of the golem’s health you hit a checkpoint. Taking off a quarter of his health isn’t hard so don’t feel bad if you lose a few times. Taking him down is just a matter of time, not skill. What happened to the days when you had to memorize a boss, have quick reflexes and actually learn how to overcome him? I miss those days.

Once the golem goes down Gabriel gets the gauntlet. Seems to be a new weapon that Gabriel can use, that’s nice. Hopefully it can take down Greater Lycans faster.

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