Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - My Mountain Fortress Home

Alright, I’m going to make a cry to the internet. I can really use some financial help, so if you would be so kind to click on the ads that are on the blog please.

They say you shouldn’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. Looks like Gabriel will get to know Cornell really well then. After Cornell’s death Gabriel acquired his boots. These boots give Gabriel the ability to sprint, do the long jump, and flip over enemies.  They’re nice boots, but I was really hoping for a double jump. Oh well.

And that was it for chapter 3. It only had two sections. Chapter 4 looks to be fairly similar, only two areas to conquer. The Mountain Fortress is where the Tron-eagle will drop you off. Oh, it turns out that the Tron-eagle and horse are both actually Pan. I learned this by looking in the bestiary, not by the story telling me in an intelligent manner. Pan says he’s not helping Gabriel even though he just gave him a lift, so… yeah, I’m confused by that. If he’s not helping why did he help? This also means that Pan helped bring Gabriel to himself at the start of the story, go figure that one out.

The Mountain Fortress is the home of a giant Ogre and that’s really what you need to know about the area. It’s full of your basic platforming sections and nothing really interesting happens until you are directly outside of the Fortress’ wall.  The Ogre finally appears and boy is this guy large and fairly cool looking. The dev team did a good job on him. I really like his yellow, piercing eyes. But then I got confused. The Ogre starts smashing the wall on the inside of the Fortress while Gabriel is battling some trolls outside the Fortress. Once the trolls were dead I kept suddenly dying. It wasn’t until my third time dying that I finally figured out that the Ogre was actually causing the platform below Gabriel to collapse. So I thought, “Cool. We’ll have a section where Gabriel has to sprint around the Fortress and avoid the Ogre’s attacks.”

I apparently gave the Ogre too much credit. This was the only area where I had to worry about falling platforms. Once I swung to a safer spot I had to deal with the Ogre’s hand directly. I guess this was a boss fight since the hand had its own health bar. Avoiding the hand is really easy. You just have to watch out for when it tries to grab you. The rest of the fight is cake if you stay close to the Fortress wall. Once the hand retracts you get to face the Ogre in earnest.

Wait… that’s it? Really? I was looking forward to some intense platforming action. Tell that stupid Ogre to defend the Fortress a little longer, sheesh. But this is the Ogre fight. That makes two boss fights in the last two areas. The Ogre is simple and made even simpler by there being a neutral orb fountain nearby. The Ogre is slow and lumbering, with Cornell’s boots it’s really easy for Gabriel to avoid the Ogre and recharge his magic at the fountain. This means he always has Shadow magic for extra damage and he always has Light magic to heal with.

Avoid the Ogre’s hand and whip it good. The hand, that is. You can directly hit the Ogre too on occasion, but the hand is easier target. Use the sprint ability to stay out of the way. Repeat this for the entire boss fight and the Ogre will go down easily.

While I wish I could end the post there, I have one more thing to talk about in this section. At the very end of the level you run into this annoying little beast called a Chupacabra. As far as I know Cupacabras are creatures that eat goats. Instead of sucking a goat this stupid little beast steals your magic relics and you have to go play a game of hide-and-seek with it. The first time I found him was blatantly obvious.  The second time he was hidden at the top of this scaffolding that I didn’t even know existed. Stupid creature. At least I got my relics back. Onto the next section.

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