Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow - In Which I Kill Death

Yes! I am getting this posted in a timely manner, that makes me very happy. I was afraid that there would be another gap and I am glad to be avoiding that. Now if only my life would fix itself, then I would be truly happy,

Chapter XI is an interesting little chapter and I mean that. The first area is one of the most tedious sections of the game. The second part is one of the best platforming sections that the game has to offer. Let's call it an odd juxtaposition shall we.

The Necromancer's Abyss starts off as a very promising level. There are two interesting puzzles right off the bat. While I liked the eclipse puzzle I do have one very glaring issue with it, there is no proper setup to solve it. The symbols that are used are symbols that I do not recognize from within the game. Without prior knowledge of the symbols you will never know what they mean. I really just messed with the symbols until the moon eclipsed the sun. Puzzle solved.

The second puzzle involves moving a line of water ( I assume it's water) by inputting a predesignated path. This puzzle is pure logic and easy to figure out but I enjoyed that aspect of it. The colored floor tiles on the ground control the flow of the water. I quickly figured out that one color meant up, one meant right, one meant left and one meant down. I was also glad that I remembered the L2 + Triangle to punch the ground this time or else this would have taken forever.

That was the fun part of the level. The rest of it involved jumping through mirrors, jumping through portals, killing Necromancers and jumping onto moving platforms. Now some of these were kind of tricky and I appreciated that but the level seemed to drag. It didn't help that every time I jumped through a mirror there was this flying scene. It wasn't so much the scene as it was the shaking camera during the scene that would nauseate me. *sigh* I really hate having motion-sickness, no matter how mild.

So the rest of the level was kind of a chore overall and I was glad when it was done.

Dracolich Concept Art
The next level is actually pretty sweet. At the start of the level Gabriel converses with Death for a little while. Then Death summons this massive bone dragon, that has the name of Dracolich Titan. Like all Titans this one requires Gabriel to climb all over it. I had an absolute blast with this thing as it soared through the air. Yes the camera would annoy me at times, but my love of the battle helped me overcome it. Now, as the fight against the third Lord of Shadow it is pretty weak (and I thought battling against Carmilla was a joke). Again, hanging onto a Titan is not complicated, just make sure you press R2 at the right moment. Beyond that I enjoyed scaling this massive beast and taking him down.

Now I don't quite understand what Gabriel did at the end of this fight. What was that orb thing that he smashed in the ground? How was that linked to the Titan? Just some questions that I would like answered.

There is only one area left. Chapter XII is just the final battle and I look forward to it. I'm hoping that I finally get to fight Zobek.

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