Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Prototype - Badly Hunted

I should never write one of these after watching an episode of Zero Punctuation because then I try to sound all snarky and condescending, and British. Personally I feel that I’m none of those, except for the British part. I know that I’m not British; I am of British descent however so maybe that counts for something. Probably not.

I’m going to point out that this next mission happened during the same play session as the last mission, but both missions are executed so horribly that I felt I needed to break them up into two posts.

After Alex killed some guy in a suit to steal his memories he returns to his sister’s (Dana) safehouse. There it’s randomly thrown out that Dana is looking through Alex’s laptop that randomly arrived on her doorstep two day ago. Thanks for sharing that little tidbit. The laptop quickly reveals that there is some other chick that has been experimented on named Elizabeth Green. At least I assume that she’s been experimented on, the information being given doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. There are some gruesome pictures shown of her and Alex decides that he needs to go and save her. By the way, she’s located in the Gentek building.

I should mention that Gentek is the evil corporation trying to kill Alex and I’m guessing that they also want to create super soldiers or something. They developed the virus that gave Alex his powers in the first place. Gentek should not be confused with The Umbrella Corporation or Abstergo, both of which also desire world domination.

So Alex goes to the Gentek building which is located in a blue highlighted zone. The blue indicates that the area has military personnel wandering around in it instead of police. The military proves as useful as the police however when Alex drops in behind one guy and absorbs him. The rest of the population goes running off in a panic while Alex casually changes into the guard, but no one thinks to alert the authorities.

 Now that will get me closer to the building but I can’t gain access to it yet because I need to become the guy in charge. I cannot believe how much FAIL this mission is full of at this point. I wander around the outside of the building until I find the guy and in front of every soldier on the base I kill and absorb their commanding officer. Now this actually sets off the guards so I have to run away. I run up a building where I’m actually chased by a helicopter for a little, until I throw an air-conditioner at it and blow it up.

So everyone on base watched Alex kill, absorb, and turn into the commanding officer so you would think that if he showed back up alive and well they might be just a little suspicious, but nnnnnooooooooo. They don’t even question that their commanding officer can now run around at super-human speeds and fall from insane heights without batting an eyelid. These guys all deserve to be killed.

So Alex enters the building and immediately finds Elizabeth Green. Where is the rest of the level? Don’t I have to sneak around avoiding guards and monitors or something? Instead I go straight to the target with what I thought was the goal of rescuing her. Not the case, she actually tears down a wall with the touch of her hand, declares herself Alex’s “mother” and then jumps off of the 100th floor. And somehow Alex got up that high undetected. Then some weird hunter creatures spawn and chase Alex out of the same opening.

Alex’s brilliant idea is to take the hunters to a military base where they can be easily contained. It’s only 20 blocks to the south through the busy streets of Knock-Off Manhattan. Once at the base Alex has to fight increasingly larger spawns of hunters and soldiers all the while gaining new abilities. He finally has his claw hands and that makes me pretty happy.  I think the things look pretty cool.

To finally beat the hunters Alex blows up 6 giant flammable containers, destroying the entire base in the process and somehow he survives the whole ordeal. None of it makes a lick of sense and I get the feeling that it doesn’t matter. Ever.

I finally called it a night at this point, well, after I killed a few dozen more citizens.

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