Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

First Day Updates

There's a running joke with my wife whenever I bring home a new game. We place bets on whether the game will have an update. Now if this is an older game, it's pretty much expected. But when this is a new game we tend to hold our breath's waiting for that update screen to appear.

For instance, I just brought home Dynasty Warriors 7. Yes, I am a fan of the series and I'll talk about that later. Dynasty Warriors 7 just came out (March 29, same day I got it). I put it into my system and low and behold there it was. A version 1.01 update. Why? Was the game released broken? Did it need an emergency fix? Is this preparing it for DLC? If it is, why wasn't it DLC ready at ship?

From what I read it seemed to fix some CRASHES?!  What was the QA team doing? Sitting with their thumbs up their collective assess?! (note: I can't actually verify this.)

Anyways, I've found it to be an increasing problem. Part of the benefit of playing a console game is that there is no patching. If a game is broke it's going to remain broke, this means teams must be more thorough. This is obviously not the case anymore.

Heck, even the Explodemon demo I downloaded had a patch for it and it was a freakin' demo! Is it just me or are developers becoming more and more lazy? Or is it the QA team? It is their job to find these breaks before the product is shipped.

I'm finding this more and more frustrating. I just want to play my game. I don't want to update my firmware to add 3D support. I don't want to have to patch my game because you stupidly made Sentinel too strong. Stop patching and make it right the first time!

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