Spoiler Warning


This blog is about the games that I am currently playing. I will discuss story, character events, and anything else that catches my interest as they happen.

This blog is not intended to be a walkthrough or to be a place for tips/tricks. These may get mentioned during my ramblings, but that is not the purpose of this blog.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

God of War - All hail the Spartan!

God of War is an action adventure game that was originally release for the PS2 back in March of 2005. In November of 2009 God of War and God of War II were packaged together for a PS3 re-release titled God of War Collection. Both games were given a slight graphic overall so the games could be played in HD. That's great for people who have that capability. I am not one of them.

In God of War we are introduced to Kratos, an incredibly angry Spartan who is fueled by rage to brutally kill everything that stands in his way. The initial story setup seems pretty simple, Kratos is looking for redemption. At the start of the game we have no idea what he needs redemption for of course and this will be slowly revealed during gameplay.

The game quickly sets itself up as a T&A festival with mass amounts of gore thrown in for good measure. Everything Kratos kills will spew forth buckets of blood like it's going out of style. This is purely aesthetic and doesn't actually help or hinder gameplay. I've always found the choice to over sexualize the game odd. For me it's a distraction that immediately takes me out of the action and causes me to roll my eyes in bewilderment. Do I really need to be fighting Gorgons with their boobs hanging out? It doesn't add anything and overall it's just silly. The blood is a personal choice for each gamer. I play plenty of games were gallons of blood doesn't spew forth from every minor hit, but the blood actually feels appropriate for this game. Kratos is so ridiculously bloodthirsty, and so unmercilessly savage that the blood just fits right in with the combat. Heck, I think it would look silly if Kratos was ripping a guy in half and there was no blood.

So we have our protagonist in place and we're ready to get under way. Next time: the tutorial level. And at some point a rant about the box art for these PS3 collections that are coming out.

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